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InPredicateProducers Methods
Public methodStatic memberIn(IEntityFieldCore, DynamicQuery)
Creates a Field IN (query) predicate
Public methodStatic memberIn(IEntityFieldCore, Object)
Creates a Field IN (values) predicate
Public methodStatic memberIn(IExpression, DynamicQuery)
Creates a Field IN (query) predicate
Public methodStatic memberIn(IExpression, Object)
Creates a Field IN (values) predicate
Public methodStatic memberInT(IEnumerableIEntityFieldCore, IEnumerableT)
Creates a predicate which is true if there's an object of type T in values, which has for each property P a field in fields with the same name / alias and the value for property P is equal to the value of the field equivalent in the main query.
Public methodStatic memberNotIn(IEntityFieldCore, DynamicQuery)
Creates a NOT (Field IN (query)) predicate
Public methodStatic memberNotIn(IEntityFieldCore, Object)
Creates a NOT (Field IN (values)) predicate
Public methodStatic memberNotIn(IExpression, DynamicQuery)
Creates a NOT (Field IN (query)) predicate
Public methodStatic memberNotIn(IExpression, Object)
Creates a NOT (Field IN (values)) predicate
Public methodStatic memberNotInT(IEnumerableIEntityFieldCore, IEnumerableT)
Creates a predicate which is true if there's no object of type T in values, which has for each property P a field in fields with the same name / alias and the value for property P is equal to the value of the field equivalent in the main query.
See Also