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PropertySpecification Properties

The PropertySpecification type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAttributes
Gets or sets a collection of additional Attributes for this property. This can be used to specify attributes beyond those supported intrinsically by the PropertySpecification class, such as ReadOnly and Browsable.
Public propertyCategory
Gets or sets the category name of this property.
Public propertyConvertEmptyStringToNull
Gets or sets a value indicating whether an empty string (if the specification is for a string property) has to be converted to null (so the default value is used) or should be kept as-is.
Public propertyDefaultValue
Gets or sets the default value of this property.
Public propertyDescription
Gets or sets the help text description of this property.
Public propertyEditorType
Gets or sets the editor type for this property.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of this property.
Public propertyPropertyType
Gets or sets the type of this property.
Public propertyTypeConverterType
Gets or sets the type converter type for this property.
Public propertyValueList
Gets or sets the values list to use for properties which have to have their value picked from a pre-fabricated list. To use a ValueList, specify a string-typed property and use the PropertySpecificationValuesListTypeConverter as type converter.
See Also