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PropertyTable Properties

The PropertyTable type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDefaultProperty
Gets or sets the name of the default property in the collection.
(Inherited from PropertyBag.)
Public propertyItem
Gets or sets the value of the property with the specified name.

In C#, this property is the indexer of the PropertyTable class.

Public propertyPropertySpecifications
Gets the collection of properties contained within this PropertyBag.
(Inherited from PropertyBag.)
Public propertyValueGetterFunc
Gets or sets the value getter func, which is a Func used in OnGetValue, when set, instead of raising an event. Use this func instead of the event to avoid memory leaks due to event handlers which keep the property bag in memory as long as the creating code is kept in memory: this func has a reference to the value container instead of to the property bag.
(Inherited from PropertyBag.)
Public propertyValueSetterFunc
Gets or sets the value setter func, which is a Func used in OnSetValue, when set, instead of raising an event. Use this func instead of the event to avoid memory leaks due to event handlers which keep the property bag in memory as long as the creating code is kept in memory: this func has a reference to the value container instead of to the property bag.
(Inherited from PropertyBag.)
See Also