Click the Quick Model button on the toolbar.
In the Command input field, type Customer.Orders 1n Order.Customer. Press enter.
In the large editor canvas, the
the entities Customer and Order are shown, as wel as the relationship between them (1:n).
Now type #u Customer in the command input field. This will set the scope to the Customer entity.
To make an Identifying field 'Id' in the customer entity, of type 'int', you type: Id int *.
![Id int *](pics/quickmodel5.png)
The other fields for Customer are easily created by typing fieldname type and pressing 'enter'. If a field is optional / nullable, you add null to the line and if
a type needs a specification, you can put that between brackets.
![ContactPerson string null](pics/quickmodel7.png)
When you're done adding fields to the Customer entity, type #u- to update the scope to one level higher. Change the scope to Order the way you did in step 4 and add
the fields for this entity.