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QuerySpecExtensionMethodsCacheResultset Method

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Public methodStatic memberCacheResultsetTQuery(TQuery, Int32)
Specifies that the query's resultset should be cached for the duration specified.
Public methodStatic memberCacheResultsetTQuery(TQuery, TimeSpan)
Specifies that the query's resultset should be cached for the duration specified.
Public methodStatic memberCacheResultsetTQuery(TQuery, Int32, Boolean)
Specifies that the query's resultset should be cached for the duration specified.
Public methodStatic memberCacheResultsetTQuery(TQuery, Int32, String)
Specifies that the query's resultset should be cached for the duration specified.
Public methodStatic memberCacheResultsetTQuery(TQuery, TimeSpan, Boolean)
Specifies that the query's resultset should be cached for the duration specified.
Public methodStatic memberCacheResultsetTQuery(TQuery, TimeSpan, String)
Specifies that the query's resultset should be cached for the duration specified.
Public methodStatic memberCacheResultsetTQuery(TQuery, Int32, Boolean, String)
Specifies that the query's resultset should be cached for the duration specified.
Public methodStatic memberCacheResultsetTQuery(TQuery, TimeSpan, Boolean, String)
Specifies that the query's resultset should be cached for the duration specified.
See Also