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DBStoredProcedureResultset Properties

The DBStoredProcedureResultset type exposes the following members.

Public propertyContainingSchema
Gets or sets the parent schema.
(Inherited from DBSchemaElement.)
Public propertyCreatedByDesigner
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this element is created by the designer from mappings (true) or that it was created from meta-data retrieved from the database (false, default).
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Public propertyCustomProperties
Gets the Custom properties (name - value pairs) read from the schema.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Protected propertyDeserializing
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is deserializing.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Public propertyErrorLog
Gets the complete ErrorLog for this object.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Public propertyFields
Gets the fields.
(Inherited from DBView.)
Public propertyFullName
Gets the full name.
(Overrides DBViewFullName.)
Public propertyFullNameForXml
Gets the full name for XML. This is a name which has the format schemaname:elementname or schemaname:elementname:fieldname. Used for references.
(Overrides DBSchemaElementFullNameForXml.)
Public propertyFullNameForXmlWithCatalog
Gets the full name for XML. This is a name which has the format catalogname:schemaname:elementname or catalogname:schemaname:elementname:fieldname. Used for references.
(Inherited from DBSchemaElement.)
Public propertyFullNameWithCatalog
Gets the full name including the catalog name
(Inherited from DBSchemaElement.)
Protected propertyGetElementType
Gets the type of the element.
(Overrides DBViewGetElementType.)
Public propertyIndexInListOfResultsets
Gets the index of this resultset in the list of resultsets of the owning stored procedure
Public propertyMarkedForDeletion
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this element is marked for deletion.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of the schema element.
(Inherited from DBSchemaElement.)
Public propertyOwningStoredProcedure
Gets the owning stored procedure.
Protected propertyTypeOfDBElement
Gets the type of DB element in the form of a ContainedElementType value.
(Overrides DBViewTypeOfDBElement.)
Public propertyUsedDriverID
Gets the used driver ID of the catalog this element is in.
(Inherited from DBSchemaElement.)
Explicit Interface Implementations
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIProjectElementMapTargetElementContainingSchema
Gets or sets the parent schema.
(Inherited from DBView.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIProjectElementMapTargetElementCustomProperties
Gets the Custom properties (name - value pairs) read from the schema.
(Inherited from DBView.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIProjectElementMapTargetElementDriverID
Gets the driver ID of the database the target is associated with.
(Inherited from DBView.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIProjectElementMapTargetElementElementType
Type of the element.
(Inherited from DBView.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIProjectElementMapTargetElementFields
IList with all the fields of this target. The list contains elements sorted on ordinal position. Ordinal positions should start at 1.
(Inherited from DBView.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIProjectElementMapTargetElementForeignKeyConstraints
Enumerable with all foreign key constraints of this target, empty otherwise
(Inherited from DBView.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIProjectElementMapTargetElementFullName
Gets the full name.
(Inherited from DBView.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIProjectElementMapTargetElementFullNameForXml
Gets the full name for XML. This is a name which has the format schemaname:elementname or schemaname:elementname:fieldname. Used for references.
(Inherited from DBView.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIProjectElementMapTargetElementFullNameWithCatalog
Gets the full name including the catalog name
(Inherited from DBView.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIProjectElementMapTargetElementName
Literal name of the object
(Inherited from DBView.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIProjectElementMapTargetElementPrimaryKeyFields
Enumerable with all primary key fields
(Inherited from DBView.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIProjectElementMapTargetElementUniqueConstraints
Enumerable with all the unique constraints of this target, empty otherwise
(Inherited from DBView.)
See Also