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EmbeddedDocumentDefinition Properties

The EmbeddedDocumentDefinition type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCardinality
Gets the cardinality of this document, whether it represents one or more elements. Used when this instance is an embedded document.
(Overrides DocumentDefinitionBaseCardinality.)
Public propertyContainerName
Returns the name of the containing element this object is contained in, which is the name of the embedding field
(Overrides DocumentDefinitionBaseContainerName.)
Public propertyContainingField
The field of which this instance is the document source.
Protected propertyDeserializing
Gets a value indicating whether this DocumentDefinitionBase is deserializing.
(Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Public propertyElementName
Name of the source, which is determined from the actual object implementing this interface.
Public propertyFields
Gets the fields of this document definition
(Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Public propertyFullName
Gets the full name of this document, which is containingfieldname.documentname.
(Overrides DocumentDefinitionBaseFullName.)
Public propertyFullPathToRoot
Public propertyName
Gets / sets the name of this document definition
(Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Public propertyOutputSettingValues
Gets the output setting values of this target.
(Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Public propertyReferencedElementName (Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Public propertyRootElement
Gets the root entity of this document.
(Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Public propertyRootEntityGroupName (Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Public propertyRootEntityName (Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Public propertyRootValueTypeGroupName (Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Public propertyRootValueTypeName (Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Public propertySetOfSubtypes
Gets the set of subtypes for this embedded document. This are documents based on subtypes of the root entity of this document.
Public propertySourceElementTypeAsString
Gets the source element type as string, which is e.g. the field type if this source represents a field, or 'entity' if it's an entity.
Public propertySourceType
The type of source, e.g. multi element or single element or a field.
Public propertyTargetElementType
Gets the target element type of this target.
(Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Explicit Interface Implementations
See Also