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ISyncable Interface

Interface for defining which elements are syncable from a source

Namespace:  SD.LLBLGen.Pro.Core
Assembly:  SD.LLBLGen.Pro.Core (in SD.LLBLGen.Pro.Core.dll) Version: (5.9.0)
public interface ISyncable : INotifyPropertyChanged

The ISyncable type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowsNewElements
Gets a value indicating whether new elements can be created into this container. Returns true if sync source is set to Model or Mixed, false otherwise.
Public propertyEffectiveSyncSource
Gets the effective sync source value for this schema, which is either the LocalOverrideSyncSource if that's set, otherwise the SyncSource value.
Public propertyLastSyncWithDatabaseUTC
Gets or sets the last date/time this element was synchronized with a database. If null, it means 'never'. DateTime in UTC format.
Public propertyLastSyncWithModelUTC
Gets or sets the last date/time this element was synchronized with a model. If null, it means 'never'. DateTime in UTC format.
Public propertyLocalOverrideSyncSource
Gets or sets the value to override the sync source with a locally defined value.
Public propertyName
Gets the name.
Public propertySyncSource
Gets or sets the synchronize source.
Public eventPropertyChanged
Occurs when a property value changes.
(Inherited from INotifyPropertyChanged.)
See Also