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DocumentFieldDefinition Properties

The DocumentFieldDefinition type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCanBeDenormalized
Gets a value indicating whether this instance can be denormalized (true) or not (false).
Public propertyContainingDerivedElementName
Gets the name of the containing derived element. this is a proxy property for UI purposes.
Public propertyContainingDocument
Returns the document this field is part of, or null if not determinable.
Public propertyContainingDocumentName
Gets the name of the containing document, which is the full name of the containing document or empty string if the field isn't in any document.
Public propertyFullName
Gets the full name of the field which is in the format: containingdocumentname.fieldname.
Public propertyFullPathToRoot
Gets the full path to root.
Public propertyHasBeenRenamed
Public propertyIsDenormalized
Gets a value indicating that this field is a denormalized field from a related document
Public propertyIsIDField
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is the ID field in the containing document. If the containing document isn't a root document, this property returns false.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of this document field. Initially it's the name of the source, however if set, it overrides the name of the source. Setting it to an empty string or null with reset it to the name of the source.
Public propertyOutputSettingValues
Gets the output setting values of this target.
Public propertySource
Gets the source this field is derived from
Public propertySourceFieldIsOptional
Gets a value indicating whether the source field is optional or not. If the source isn't a field, this property returns false.
Public propertySourceFieldIsReadOnly
Gets a value indicating whether the source field is read-only or not. If the source isn't a field, this property returns false.
Public propertySourceFieldLength
Gets a value indicating whether the (max)length of the source field. If the source isn't a field, this property returns -1.
Public propertySourceFieldType
Gets the type of the source field, if the source is an entity field, null otherwise.
Public propertyTargetElementType
Gets the target element type of this target.
Explicit Interface Implementations
See Also