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ExtensionMethods Methods

The ExtensionMethods type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberRaiseEvent(MemberValueElementChangedHandler, Object)
Raises the event on the handler passed in with default empty arguments
Public methodStatic memberRaiseEvent(MemberValueElementRemovedHandler, Object)
Raises the event on the handler passed in with default empty arguments
Public methodStatic memberRaiseEventT(MemberValueElementChangedHandler, Object, T)
Raises the event which is represented by the handler specified.
Public methodStatic memberRaiseEventT(MemberValueElementRemovedHandler, Object, T)
Raises the event which is represented by the handler specified.
Public methodStatic memberSplitPairsTValue1, TValue2, TValue3, TValue4
Splits the pairs in the enumerable into two lists of values where the pair at position x in source equals to values1[x], values2[x]
Public methodStatic memberToMultiValueDictionaryTKey, TValue
Converts an enumerable into a MultiValueDictionary. Similar to ToDictionary however this time the returned type is a MultiValueDictionary.
See Also