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IMappableField Properties

The IMappableField type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCanSetNewFieldType
Gets a value indicating whether this instance can set the FieldType property
Public propertyContainingElement
Gets the containing element
Public propertyDescription
Gets or sets the description of this Field
Public propertyFieldIndex
The field index, starting with 0, for this field. A field index is by default -1 (undefined) and is used to sort fields in a given order. It is not used as external index for code generation, but solely for field ordering inside the fields of a groupable model element (except for stored procedure calls).
Public propertyFieldType
Gets or sets the type of the field.
Public propertyFullName
Gets the full name of the field.
Public propertyIsDiscriminator
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is the discriminator field of the containing entity. Ignored in value types.
Public propertyIsForeignKeyField
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is a foreign key field.
Public propertyIsOptional
Gets or sets the IsOptional flag
Public propertyIsPartOfIdentifyingFields
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is part of the identifying fields
Public propertyIsReadOnly
Gets or sets the IsReadOnly flag
Public propertyMaxLength
Gets or sets the maximum length of this field.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of this Field
Public propertyOutputSettingValues
Gets the output setting values of this target.
Public propertyPrecision
Gets or sets the precision.
Public propertyScale
Gets or sets the scale.
Public propertyTypeOfMappableField
Gets the type of mappable field this interface is implemented on.
See Also