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ApplicationConfiguration Properties

The ApplicationConfiguration type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCreateDDLSQLTemplateGroup
Gets the create DDLSQL template group.
Public propertyDatabaseDriversRootFolder
Gets databaseDriversRootFolder
Public propertyDDLSQLLanguageName
Gets the name of the DDLSQL language to use
Public propertyDDLSQLPlatformName
Gets the name of the DDLSQL platform to use
Public propertyDesignerEventAspects
Gets the designer event aspects.
Public propertyFrameworksRootFolder
Gets the frameworks root folder. This is a full path
Public propertyFrameworksSharedFolder
Gets the frameworks Shared folder. This is a full path
Public propertyFullPathTaskPerformersRootFolder
Gets FullPathTaskPerformersRootFolder
Public propertyPluginsRootFolder
Gets pluginsRootFolder
Public propertyStartupPath
Gets or sets the startup path of the application.
Public propertyTaskPerformersRootFolder
Gets taskPerfomersRootFolder
Public propertyTypeConvertersRootFolder
Gets the type converters root folder.
Public propertyUpdateDDLSQLTemplateGroup
Gets the update DDLSQL template group.
Public propertyXsdRootFolder
Gets the XSD root folder.
See Also