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DBTypeDefinition Properties

The DBTypeDefinition type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDBType
The numeric representation of the datatype.
Public propertyDBTypeAsNETType
The .NET type representation of the DBType.
Public propertyDBTypeAsString
String representation of the numeric value of DBType. The string representation is the native RDBMS name for the type represented by DBType
Public propertyIsOfUserDefinedType
Flag to signal if this datatype is of a user-defined type.
Public propertyLength
Length of the datatype in positions/bytes/elements. For unicoded fields/parameters, this length is the length in unicoded elements, not the total length in bytes.
Public propertyNetTypeSetByUserDefinedType
Gets a value indicating whether the DbTypeAsNETType is set by an UDT (which is a CLR type). Necessary for saving/loading this type to/from a file.
Public propertyPrecision
The precision of the datatype. Only used by some numeric datatypes.
Public propertyRequiresInsertValue
Flag to signal if this datatype requires a value specified in Insert queries. Not all RDBMS's require for each type a value, e.g. SqlServer doesn't require a value for Timestamp types, SqlServer will insert a value automatically.
Public propertyScale
The scale of the datatype. Only used by some numeric datatypes.
Public propertyUDTName
Gets the name of the UDT the db type is based on. If not applicable, an empty string is returned.
Public propertyUserDefinedTypeCatalog
Defines the name of the catalog the User Defined Type is stored in if this datatype is a user-defined type. Only valid if IsOfUserDefinedType is true.
Public propertyUserDefinedTypeName
Defines the name of the User Defined Type if this datatype is a user-defined type. Only valid if IsOfUserDefinedType is true.
Public propertyUserDefinedTypeOwner
Defines the name of the owner of the User Defined Type if this datatype is a user-defined type. Only valid if IsOfUserDefinedType is true.
See Also