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IImporter Methods

The IImporter type exposes the following members.

Public methodCreateSourceDataCollector
Creates the source data collector object which is used to let the user specify the source information where the data to import is located so the importer can load it.
Public methodGetFirstLevelInfo
Gets the first level info objects. This information is shown in a UI which allows the user to select which elements to retrieve. These elments (same objects as returned by this method) are then passed to the method to obtain the second level info, which is the information to merge with the loaded project
Public methodGetSecondLevelInfo
Gets the second level info. This information is the information to import into the live project. All elements to import are specified in elementsToImport and combined with the settings set on this importer, the importer will fill an ImportableData instance and returns that
Public methodReset
Resets this instance. Use this method to reset any objects created during a previous import cycle.
Public methodSetCallBacks
Sets the call backs to use for this generator
See Also