
Inheritance hierarchy

Hierarchy type None
Is abstract False


The TestGroup.OrderDetails entity is part of the following relationships

Related Entity Full description
Product TestGroup.OrderDetails.Products - Product.OrderDetails (m:1)
TestGroup.Order TestGroup.OrderDetails.Orders - TestGroup.Order.OrderDetails (m:1)


The following fields are defined in the TestGroup.OrderDetails entity

Name Type Is PK Is FK Optional Read-only Max. length Precision Scale
Discount single (System.Single) 0 0 0
OrderId int (System.Int32) Yes Yes 0 0 0
ProductId int (System.Int32) Yes Yes 0 0 0
Quantity short (System.Int16) 0 0 0
UnitPrice decimal (System.Decimal) 0 19 4

Unique Constraints




Northwind.dbo.Order Details (SQL Server (SqlClient))

Aspect Value
Type of target Table
Actions allowed Create / Retrieve / Update / Delete
Entity Field Target field Nullable Type Length Precision Scale Sequence Type converter
Discount Discount real 0 24 0
OrderId OrderID int 0 10 0
ProductId ProductID int 0 10 0
Quantity Quantity smallint 0 5 0
UnitPrice UnitPrice money 0 19 4

Code generation information

Setting values

OrderDetails (Entity)

Setting name Value
Entity base class name CommonEntityBase

Discount (NormalField)

Setting name Value
Generate as nullable type True
Field property is public True

OrderId (NormalField)

Setting name Value
Generate as nullable type True
Field property is public True

ProductId (NormalField)

Setting name Value
Generate as nullable type True
Field property is public True

Quantity (NormalField)

Setting name Value
Generate as nullable type True
Field property is public True

UnitPrice (NormalField)

Setting name Value
Generate as nullable type True
Field property is public True

Orders (NavigatorSingleValue)

Setting name Value
Navigator property is public True

Products (NavigatorSingleValue)

Setting name Value
Navigator property is public True

Attribute definitions per element

Orders (NavigatorSingleValue)

  • Browsable($true)

Products (NavigatorSingleValue)

  • Browsable($true)

Additional interface definitions per element


Additional namespace definitions per element
