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ConvertFunctions Methods

The ConvertFunctions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberToBoolean
Defines the mapping for the Convert.ToBoolean(operand1) method mapping
Public methodStatic memberToByte
Defines the mapping for the Convert.ToByte(operand1) method mapping
Public methodStatic memberToChar
Defines the mapping for the Convert.ToChar(operand1) method mapping
Public methodStatic memberToDateTime
Defines the mapping for the Convert.ToDateTime(operand1) method mapping
Public methodStatic memberToDecimal
Defines the mapping for the Convert.ToDecimal(operand1) method mapping
Public methodStatic memberToDouble
Defines the mapping for the Convert.ToDouble(operand1) method mapping
Public methodStatic memberToInt16
Defines the mapping for the Convert.ToInt16(operand1) method mapping
Public methodStatic memberToInt32
Defines the mapping for the Convert.ToInt32(operand1) method mapping
Public methodStatic memberToInt64
Defines the mapping for the Convert.ToInt64(operand1) method mapping
Public methodStatic memberToSingle
Defines the mapping for the Convert.ToSingle(operand1) method mapping
Public methodStatic memberToString
Defines the mapping for the Convert.ToString(operand1) method mapping
See Also