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DecimalFunctions Methods

The DecimalFunctions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCeiling
Defines the mapping for the Decimal.Ceiling(operand1) method mapping
Public methodStatic memberFloor
Defines the mapping for the Decimal.Floor(operand1) method mapping
Public methodStatic memberRemainder
Defines the mapping for the Decimal.Remainder(operand1, divider) method mapping
Public methodStatic memberRound(Object)
Defines the mapping for the Decimal.Round(operand1) method mapping
Public methodStatic memberRound(Object, Object)
Defines the mapping for the Decimal.Round(operand1, numberOfDecimals) method mapping
Public methodStatic memberTruncate
Defines the mapping for the Decimal.Truncate(operand1) method mapping
See Also