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TaskGroupPresetElement Properties

The TaskGroupPresetElement type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDependsOnCycleTask
Gets or sets the depends on cycle task setting. Default is an empty string, which means this value is ignored. If set to a value, it's used at generation time to see whether a cycle task with the name specified has been completed successfully. If not, this task is simply skipped, otherwise it's run as-is.
Public propertyDisplayName
Gets or sets the name of the display.
Public propertyForSpecificDatabase
Gets or sets the perform for specific database setting. Default is an empty string (which gives the v2.x behavior: run once). Other possible values are "All" (run for all databases in the project once) or the driverID of the database to target.
Public propertyIsEnabled
Gets / sets isEnabled
Public propertyName
The name of the element
Public propertyPerformRuleToUse
Gets or sets the perform rule to use.
Public propertyRequiresClearCache
Gets / sets requiresClearCache
Public propertyType
Type of the element
See Also