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ProjectController Class

Class which is used for project viewers to obtain information from the project in sequential ways (as project information is stored in graphs) and also to be able to perform tasks inside a project, based on events raised from various elements inside the project.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ApplicationCore.ProjectClasses
Assembly:  SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ApplicationCore (in SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ApplicationCore.dll) Version: (
public class ProjectController

The ProjectController type exposes the following members.

Public methodProjectController
Initializes a new instance of the ProjectController class.
Public propertyControlledProject
Gets the project controlled by this controller.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodRaiseDDLSQLExported
Raises the DDLSQLExported event.
Public methodReset
Resets this instance.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public eventDDLSQLExported
Raised when a DDL SQL script was successfully exported.
Public eventDefaultsPerTargetElementTypeChanged
Raised when the defaults for target elements in the controlling project have been changed through property edits.
Public eventDerivedModelDefinitionAdded
Raised when a model view was added to the project
Public eventDerivedModelDefinitionChanged
Event which is raised when a ModelView in this list was changed.
Public eventDerivedModelDefinitionRemoved
Raised when a model view was removed from the project
Public eventElementSettingsChanged
Raised when a project element's settings are changed. This event is usable to trigger work scheduling based on changed settings.
Public eventEntityDefinitionAdded
Raised when an entity definition was added to the project
Public eventEntityDefinitionChanged
Event which is raised when an EntityDefinition in the project was changed, the sender is the entity definition which was changed.
Public eventEntityDefinitionRemoved
Raised when an entity definition was removed from the project
Public eventGroupableModelElementMappingAdded
Event which is raised when a GroupableModelElement mapping was added to the Mappings store in MappingData in the controlled project
Public eventGroupableModelElementMappingChanged
Event which is raised when a GroupableModelElement mapping in a DatabaseMappingData store in a MappingDataStore was changed. The DriverID of the enclosed GroupableModelElementMapping can be used to track back to the DatabaseMappingData store where the mapping is located.
Public eventGroupableModelElementMappingRemoved
Event which is raised when a GroupableModelElement mapping was removed from the Mappings store in MappingData in the controlled project
Public eventGroupableModelElementMappingTargetSetInvalidated
Event which is raised when the set of GroupableModelElement mapping targets in a DatabaseMetaData store was invalidated. The driverID of the DatabaseMetaData store is enclosed as value in the argument.
Public eventGroupNamesInvalidated
Raised when the group names known to the outside are invalidated, for example when an element's group was renamed. An observer should rebuild lists of groupnames due to this event.
Public eventInheritanceEdgeAdded
Event which is raised when an inheritance edge is added to the inheritance hierarchies graph.
Public eventInheritanceEdgeAdding
Event which is raised when an inheritance edge is about to be addedthe inheritance hierarchies graph.
Public eventInheritanceEdgeRemoved
Event which is raised when an inheritance edge is removed from the inheritance hierarchies graph.
Public eventInheritanceEdgeRemoving
Event which is raised when an inheritance edge is about to be removed from the inheritance hierarchies graph.
Public eventMappingDataChanged
Event which is raised when the MappingDataStore was changed.
Public eventMetaDataChanged
Event which is raised when the metadatastore was changed.
Public eventMetaDataElementAdded
Event which is raised when an element inside the meta-data was added.
Public eventMetaDataElementChanged
Event which is raised when an element inside the meta-data was changed.
Public eventMetaDataElementRemoved
Event which is raised when an element inside the meta-data was removed.
Public eventModelViewAdded
Raised when a model view was added to the project
Public eventModelViewChanged
Event which is raised when a ModelView in this list was changed.
Public eventModelViewRemoved
Raised when a model view was removed from the project
Public eventNeedsDDLExportChanged
Raised when the ddl export requirement changed. Eventargs contain a flag which is either true (export required) or not (export not required).
Public eventProjectChanged
Event which is raised when the project is marked as changed
Public eventRelationshipAdded
Raised when a relationship edge was added to the entity model
Public eventRelationshipChanged
Raised when a navigator in a relationship was changed/cleared. Relationship endpoints can't be changed.
Public eventRelationshipRemoved
Raised when a relationship edge was removed from the entity model
Public eventRootDocumentInModelChanged
Event which is raised when a root document in a DerivedModelDefinition has been changed, added or removed. The root document involved is enclosed inside the event args. At time of the event raise, the document does refer back to the containing DerivedModelDefinition, but it's not guaranteed that this stays this way, e.g. in case of a remove
Public eventSequenceSetInvalidated
Event which is raised when the set of sequences in a DatabaseMetaData store was invalidated. The driverID of the DatabaseMetaData store is enclosed as value in the argument.
Public eventSPCallDefinitionAdded
Raised when a SPCallDefinition was added to the project
Public eventSPCallDefinitionChanged
Event which is raised when a SPCallDefinition in the project was changed. The sender is the spcalldefinition which was changed.
Public eventSPCallDefinitionRemoved
Raised when a SPCallDefinitionn was removed from the project
Public eventTargetFrameworkChanged
Raised when the targetframework was changed in the controlled project.
Public eventTvfCallDefinitionAdded
Raised when a TvfCallDefinition was added to the project
Public eventTvfCallDefinitionChanged
Event which is raised when a TvfCallDefinition in the project was changed. The sender is the tvfcalldefinition which was changed.
Public eventTvfCallDefinitionRemoved
Raised when a TvfCallDefinitionn was removed from the project
Public eventTypedListDefinitionAdded
Raised when a TypedList definition was added to the project
Public eventTypedListDefinitionChanged
Event which is raised when a TypedListDefinition in the project was changed, the sender is the typedlist which was changed
Public eventTypedListDefinitionRemoved
Raised when a TypedList definition was removed from the project
Public eventTypedViewDefinitionAdded
Raised when a TypedViewDefinition was added to the project
Public eventTypedViewDefinitionChanged
Event which is raised when a TypedViewDefinition in the project was changed. The sender is the typedviewdefinition which was changed.
Public eventTypedViewDefinitionRemoved
Raised when a TypedViewDefinitionn was removed from the project
Public eventTypeShortcutsInvalidated
Raised when the type shortcuts in the current project are updated and therefore are invalidated and lists based on these typeshortcuts have to be updated.
Public eventValueTypeDefinitionAdded
Raised when a value type definition was added to the project
Public eventValueTypeDefinitionChanged
Event which is raised when a ValueTypeDefinition in the project was changed. The sender is the valuetypedefinition which was changed.
Public eventValueTypeDefinitionRemoved
Raised when a value type definition was removed from the project
See Also