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CommandQueueActionType Enumeration

Enum for specifying the command queue action type in the CommandQueueActionPerformedEventArgs objects.

Namespace:  SD.Tools.Algorithmia
Assembly:  SD.Tools.Algorithmia (in SD.Tools.Algorithmia.dll) Version: (
public enum CommandQueueActionType
  Member nameValueDescription
CommandExecuted0 A command was executed
CommandEnqueued1 A command was enqueued
UndoPerformed2 A command was undo-ed
RedoPerformed3 A command was redo-ed
CommandQueuePushed4 A command's command queue was pushed onto the command stack. (so any spawned commands are enqueued inside the command itself)
CommandQueuePopped5 A command's command queue was popped from the command stack.
CommandDequeued6 A command was dequeued and the current command pointer was pushed back.
See Also