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ObjectChangeType Enumeration

Enum definition which is passed in the event args for a RedrawRequired event or Entity/TypedList Changed event. Subscribers to these events can then decide based on this enum value what to redraw or change.

Namespace:  SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ApplicationCore
Assembly:  SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ApplicationCore (in SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ApplicationCore.dll) Version: (
public enum ObjectChangeType
  Member nameValueDescription
EntityCore0 Data in the entity definition has been changed, but not in contained object stores. This type is used for f.e. renames.
EntityComplete1 The entity definition has changed completely. This type is used for severe changes.
EntityFields2 The entity's fields object has changed. This can be due to a field addition/removal, rename of a field etc.
EntityRelations3 The entity's relations have changed (one or more).
EntityCustomProperties4 The entity's custom properties are changed.
EntityFieldsOnRelatedEntityFields5 The entity's fields mapped onto related entity fields are changed.
EntityHierarchyData6 The entity data for its place in a hierarchy has been changed
EntityContainedElements7 Data in contained object stores has been changed however these changes have no particular impact on UI elements as they're handled themselves. Used in UI repainting directives to project explorer.
TypedListCore8 Data in the typed list definition has been changed but not in contained object stores. This type is used for f.e. renames.
TypedListComplete9 The typed list definition has changed completely. This type is used for severe changes.
TypedListFields10 The typed list's fields have changed (one or more).
TypedListCustomProperties11 The typed list's custom properties are changed
TypedListEntityAlias12 An alias of an entity has been changed.
TypedViewCore13 Data in the typed view definition has been changed but not in contained object stores. This type is used for f.e. renames.
TypedViewComplete14 the typed view definition has changed completely.
TypedViewFields15 The typed view's fields have changed (one or more).
TypedViewCustomProperties16 The typed view's custom properties are changed
SPCallCore17 Data in the spcall definition has been changed but not in contained object stores. This type is used for f.e. renames.
SPCallComplete18 The complete stored procedure is changed
SPCallParameters19 One or more parameters were changed
SPCallCustomProperties20 The sp call's custom properties are changed.
See Also