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QueryExecutionResult Properties

The QueryExecutionResult type exposes the following members.

Public propertyExceptionCaughtDuringExecution
Usually null, but if the execution of the query ran into an exception it's added to this property. All results are void.
Public propertyMessage
The message returned from the query execution, i.e. whether the query executed successfully and how many rows were affected.
Public propertyResultSets
The dataset containing all datatables with resultsets. It contains, ordered by ordinal, the resulting tables. The schema for a datatable in this DataSet can be found in the ResultSetSchemas dataset.
Public propertyResultSetsSchemas
The dataset containing all datatables with the resultset schemas for the datatables in the resultset dataset. The datatable at ordinal X in the ResultSets dataset has as schema the datatable at ordinal X in this DataSet.
See Also