Available Presets

For Linq to Sql there's one preset shipped with LLBLGen Pro. This preset, called SD.LinqToSql, generates code similar to the Linq to Sql designer from Microsoft: classes have the same code and functionality as the Microsoft code does, and have attributes if the setting MappingsAsExternalXmlFile is set to false.

If the setting MappingsAsExternalXmlFile is set to true, the classes don't have attributes and an external xml file is generated, called ProjectNameMappings.xml.

The preset generates all entity classes, typed list row classes and typed view row classes in separate files, adds proper XML comments and adds everything to a separate VS.NET project file. The generated code works as if it was generated by the MS designer, and therefore you can directly use the Microsoft Linq to Sql documentation to use the generated code.

A context class is generated as well, called ProjectNameDataContext. Besides the Typed List, Typed View and stored procedure support code, the DataContext class also contains a method, GetQueryAsDataReader to fetch a linq query as a DataReader.