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IDynamicQuery Interface

Simple interface for accessing a DynamicQuery object's internal elements for further manipulation (in case of objects) or analysis.

Namespace:  SD.LLBLGen.Pro.QuerySpec
Assembly:  SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClasses (in SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClasses.dll) Version: (5.7.0)
public interface IDynamicQuery : IQuerySpec

The IDynamicQuery type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlias
Gets or sets the alias.
(Inherited from IQuerySpec.)
Public propertyAllowDuplicates
Gets AllowDuplicates (default is true, if Distinct() is specified, this value is false).
(Inherited from IQuerySpec.)
Public propertyCustomFunctionMappingStore
Gets the optional custom function mapping store. A custom function mapping store takes precedence over the function mapping store obtained from the Dynamic Query Engine (DQE) used for producing the SQL for the query. If a custom function mapping store is needed for a query,
(Inherited from IQuerySpec.)
Public propertyFromClause
Gets the from clause, which is the prepared from clause, created from the plain clause.
(Inherited from IQuerySpec.)
Public propertyGroupByClause
Gets the prepared group by clause.
(Inherited from IQuerySpec.)
Public propertyLimit
Gets the limit value specified
(Inherited from IQuerySpec.)
Public propertyNestedQueries
Gets the nested queries defined for this query. By default this is an empty list, and only filled with nested queries if this query is a dynamic query and it contains one or more nested queries
(Inherited from IQuerySpec.)
Public propertyOffset
Gets the offset value specified
(Inherited from IQuerySpec.)
Public propertyOrderByClause
Gets the prepared order by clause.
(Inherited from IQuerySpec.)
Public propertyProjection
Gets the prepared projection.
Public propertyResultsetElementType
Gets the type of the resultset element.
(Inherited from IQuerySpec.)
Public propertyResultsetType
Gets the type of the resultset. For DynamicQuery instances this is List<object>, for DynamicQuery<T> this is List<T>, and for EntityQuery<T>, this is either an IEntityCollection or IEntityCollection2 created for the type T.
(Inherited from IQuerySpec.)
Public propertyTargetAlias
Gets the target alias.
(Inherited from IQuerySpec.)
Public propertyUnionedQueries
Gets the list of unioned queries with this query. Can be null, in which case no query is unioned with this query.
(Inherited from IQuerySpec.)
Public propertyWhereClause
Gets the prepared where clause.
(Inherited from IQuerySpec.)
Be sure to access the elements after the query has been prepared for execution.
See Also