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QueryExpression Class

Class which represents a query for LLBLGen Pro. This expression type is used when the tree is reduced to a single query.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  SD.LLBLGen.Pro.LinqSupportClasses.ExpressionClasses
Assembly:  SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClasses (in SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClasses.dll) Version: (5.7.0)
public class QueryExpression : SetExpression

The QueryExpression type exposes the following members.

Public methodQueryExpression
Initializes a new instance of the QueryExpression class.
Public propertyAlias
Gets or sets the Alias assigned to this set.
(Inherited from SetExpression.)
Public propertyAliasesOfEntitiesAlreadyTypeFiltered
Gets or sets the aliases of entities already type filtered. The aliases in this set have already received a type filter, and all fields with the same alias can be skipped for type filtering in the pipeline further
Public propertyAllowDuplicates
Gets or sets the flag to signal that duplicates are allowed or not.
Public propertyCacheDuration
Gets or sets the duration how long the cached resultset should stay in the cache.
Public propertyCacheResultset
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the resultset of this query has to be cached or not.
Public propertyCacheTag
Gets or sets the tag the resultset should be cached under. By default this is the empty string (no tag)
Public propertyCanReduce
Indicates that the node can be reduced to a simpler node. If this returns true, Reduce() can be called to produce the reduced form.
(Inherited from Expression.)
Public propertyContainedAliases
Gets or sets the AliasContainer which contains the aliases inside this direct set which are reachable only INSIDE this set. If null, it has no aliases directly inside this set, it can be the source might have contained aliases.
(Inherited from SetExpression.)
Public propertyExcludeIncludeFieldsListToUse
Gets or sets the exclude include fields list to use.
Public propertyFilterToUse
Gets or sets the filter to use.
Public propertyGroupByToUse
Gets or sets the group by collection to use.
Public propertyIsExtractionLocked
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is extraction locked, which means a where/orderby extractor won't touch it.
(Inherited from SetExpression.)
Public propertyNodeType
Gets the node type of this Expression.
(Inherited from CommonExpression.)
Public propertyOverwriteIfPresent
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the cached resultset should be
Public propertyPrefetchPathToUse
Gets or sets the prefetch path to use.
Public propertyProjection
Gets or sets the projection to perform to make this set an actual set. If null, no projection has been defined.
Public propertyQueryTag
Gets or sets the optional tag for the SQL query/queries to relate SQL strings in an RDBMS with an origin.
Public propertyRelationsToUse
Gets or sets the relations to use.
Public propertyRequiresProjection
Flag which is set if this set requires a projection to be usable. This flag is later on used to determine if a projection has to be injected into the processing result of this set if there's none defined (true), or not (false). Default is false;
(Inherited from SetExpression.)
Public propertyRowsToSkip
Gets or sets the number of rows to skip. Default 0.
Public propertyRowsToTake
Gets or sets the number of rows to take. 0 == all elements.
Public propertySorterToUse
Gets or sets the sorter to use.
Public propertySource
Gets or sets the source expression of the select
(Inherited from SetExpression.)
Public propertyType
Gets the static type of the expression that this Expression represents.
(Inherited from CommonExpression.)
Public propertyUnionedQueries
Set of unioned queries with this set expression
(Inherited from SetExpression.)
Public propertyUnionedQueriesSpecified
Gets whether there are unioned queries in this query (true) or not (false)
(Inherited from SetExpression.)
Protected methodAccept
Dispatches to the specific visit method for this node type. For example, MethodCallExpression calls the VisitMethodCall(MethodCallExpression).
(Inherited from Expression.)
Public methodAddPredicateToFilter
Adds the predicate or predicate expression passed in to FilterToUse.
Public methodAppendUnionedQuery
Appends the query specified as a unioned query with the operator specified.
(Inherited from SetExpression.)
Public methodAssignNewAliasIfRequired
Assigns a new alias to this set, if necessary
(Inherited from SetExpression.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodHandle
Handles this instance using the specified handler.
(Overrides SetExpressionHandle(ScopeHandlerBase).)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodMergeUnionedQueries
Merges the specified union list into the set expression's unionlist.
(Inherited from SetExpression.)
Protected methodNewAliasAssigned
A new alias was set, using AssignNewAliasIfRequired. Use this method to map a wrapped expression to the alias set in the tracker passed in.
(Inherited from SetExpression.)
Public methodReduce
Reduces this node to a simpler expression. If CanReduce returns true, this should return a valid expression. This method can return another node which itself must be reduced.
(Inherited from Expression.)
Public methodReduceAndCheck
Reduces this node to a simpler expression. If CanReduce returns true, this should return a valid expression. This method can return another node which itself must be reduced.
(Inherited from Expression.)
Public methodReduceExtensions
Reduces the expression to a known node type (that is not an Extension node) or just returns the expression if it is already a known type.
(Inherited from Expression.)
Public methodSetRequiresProjectionFlag
Sets the RequiresProjection flag if this expression isn't an EntityExpression
(Inherited from SetExpression.)
Public methodToString
Returns a textual representation of the Expression.
(Inherited from Expression.)
Protected methodVisitChildren
Reduces the node and then calls the visitor delegate on the reduced expression. The method throws an exception if the node is not reducible.
(Inherited from Expression.)
See Also