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DataAccessAdapterBase Properties

The DataAccessAdapterBase type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActiveRecoveryStrategy
Gets or sets the active recovery strategy to use with supported actions on this DataAccessAdapter. If null (default), no recovery strategy is used and all exceptions are fatal.
(Inherited from DataAccessAdapterCore.)
Public propertyBatchSize
Gets / sets the size of the batch command when performing multiple entity insert / update statements. If set to a value of 0, every entity insert / update statement will be executed using its own DbCommand. If set to a value of 2 or higher, insert / update statements are packed together into a single DbCommand, the number of packed statements is equal or lower than the value of BatchSize. Packed statements are queries with multiple SQL statements packed together in a single DbCommand. It's not recommended to set this property to a very high value, as databases process packed SQL statements slower than single commands and as parameter names are unique across the complete SQL string, re-using execution plans is not always possible. Set BatchSize to a value of 30 or lower for most operations; it's primarily used to mitigate network latency: the higher the network latency the higher BatchSize can become, to the point where processing the packed SQL string by the database is slower than the combined network latency of all single SQL statements.
(Inherited from DataAccessAdapterCore.)
Public propertyCatalogNameOverwrites
The from-to name value pairs and setting for the overwriting of catalog names.
(Inherited from DataAccessAdapterCore.)
Public propertyCatalogNameToUse
The name to use if catalogNameUsageSetting is set to ForceName. Ignored otherwise.
(Inherited from DataAccessAdapterCore.)
Public propertyCatalogNameUsageSetting
Configurates this data access adapter object how to threat catalog names in persistence information.
(Inherited from DataAccessAdapterCore.)
Public propertyCommandTimeOut
Gets / sets the timeout value to use with the command object(s) created by the adapter. Default is 30 seconds Set this prior to calling a method which executes database logic.
(Inherited from DataAccessAdapterCore.)
Public propertyConnectionString
Gets / sets the connection string to use for the connection with the database.
(Inherited from DataAccessAdapterCore.)
Public propertyFunctionMappings
Gets the function mappings for the DQE related to this DataAccessAdapter. These function mappings are static and therefore not changeable.
(Inherited from DataAccessAdapterCore.)
Public propertyInSystemTransaction
Gets a value indicating whether a System.Transactions transaction is going on. If not, false is returned.
(Inherited from DataAccessAdapterCore.)
Public propertyIsTransactionInProgress
Gets IsTransactionInProgress. True when there is a transaction in progress.
(Inherited from DataAccessAdapterCore.)
Public propertyKeepConnectionOpen
Gets / sets KeepConnectionOpen, a flag used to keep open connections after a database action has finished.
(Inherited from DataAccessAdapterCore.)
Public propertyKeepTrackOfTransactionParticipants
The flag (default true) is used to signal the adapter that entities participating in a transaction controlled by this adapter are tracked during the transaction and which values are rolled back after a rollback of the transaction itself. Only set this flag to false if the entities participating in a transaction are not kept in memory during or after the transaction's life time.
(Inherited from DataAccessAdapterCore.)
Public propertyParameterisedPrefetchPathThreshold
Gets or sets the parameterised prefetch path threshold. This threshold is used to determine when the prefetch path logic should switch to a subquery or when it should use a WHERE field IN (value1, value2, ... valueN) construct, based on the # of elements in the parent collection. If that # of elements exceeds this threshold, a subquery is constructed, otherwise field IN (value1, value2, ...) construct is used. The default value is 50. On average, this is faster than using a subquery which returns 50 elements. Use this to tune prefetch path fetch logic for your particular needs.

This threshold is also used to determine if paging is possible. A page size bigger than this threshold will disable the paging functionality when using paging + prefetch paths.
(Inherited from DataAccessAdapterCore.)
Protected propertyPhysicalTransaction
The physical transaction object used over the current ActiveConnection.
(Inherited from DataAccessAdapterCore.)
Public propertySchemaNameOverwrites
The from-to name value pairs and setting for the overwriting of schema names.
(Inherited from DataAccessAdapterCore.)
Public propertyTransactionIsolationLevel
Gets / sets the isolation level a transaction should use. Setting this during a transaction in progress has no effect on the current running transaction.
(Inherited from DataAccessAdapterCore.)
Public propertyTransactionName
Gets the name of the transaction. Setting this during a transaction in progress has no effect on the current running transaction.
(Inherited from DataAccessAdapterCore.)
Public propertyUseRecoveryStrategy
Gets/sets the flag whether an active recovery strategy should be used. This property is true by default. If false, a query will executed outside the active recovery strategy set on this adapter.
(Inherited from DataAccessAdapterCore.)
See Also