CoreUtils Class |
Namespace: SD.LLBLGen.Pro.Core
The CoreUtils type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
CheckIfTypeIsNumericType |
Checks the type if the type is a numeric type.
| |
ConvertDiscriminatorValueToRealType |
Convert specified discriminator value to its real type
| |
CreatePairsFromSubSetDictionariesTKey, TValue |
Creates a new set of pairs where the values of a key in both subset1 and subset2 are combined as a pair. Keys which are present only in subset1 or
only in subset2 are ignored.
| |
DeserializeFromBytesT |
Deserializes the specified bytes into a new instance of T. If the bytes don't represent a T instance, null is returned.
| |
DetermineImpliedSyncSourceValue |
Determines the implied synchronize source value from the specified syncable children.
| |
EncodingTypeToTextEncoding |
Encodings the type to encoding.
| |
FragmentizeString(String) |
Splits string passed in into fragments. First on spaces, then on _ and then on Capitols/lowercase boundaries. All fragments are added to the
same list, all '_''s stripped out are stored in the list as well. All spaces are not placed in the returned list.
Underscores are stored per underscore, so a ___ part is stored as 3 strings with 1 underscore.
| |
FragmentizeString(String, Boolean, Boolean) |
Splits string passed in into fragments. First on spaces, then on _ and then on Capitols/lowercase boundaries. All fragments are added to the
same list, all '_''s stripped out are stored in the list as well. All spaces are not placed in the returned list.
Underscores are stored per underscore, so a ___ part is stored as 3 strings with 1 underscore.
| |
MakeCLSCompliantName(String, Boolean, Boolean) |
Converts the given name into a string that is usable as a CLS compliant name.
All names are PasCal cased, which means the first character is made uppercase.
It tries to comply the to identifier syntaxis for C#, with 1 exception, it will not allow a '@' character nor
'_' at the front of the name. See section 2.4.2 of the C# standard for details.
When the name starts with a numeric digit, a '_' is added as a prefix.
This way the name is always CLS compliant. If the resulting name is empty, an exception is thrown.
Will capitalize the first character.
| |
MakeCLSCompliantName(String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) |
Converts the given name into a string that is usable as a CLS compliant name.
All names are PasCal cased, which means the first character is made uppercase.
It tries to comply the to identifier syntaxis for C#, with 1 exception, it will not allow a '@' character nor
'_' at the front of the name. See section 2.4.2 of the C# standard for details.
When the name starts with a numeric digit, a '_' is added as a prefix.
This way the name is always CLS compliant. If the resulting name is empty, an exception is thrown.
| |
MakeCLSCompliantName(String, DictionaryString, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) |
Makes the name of the CLS compliant.
| |
MakeRelativePath |
Creates a relative path to get from fromPath to toPath. If one of them is empty, the emptystring is returned. If there's no common path, toPath is returned.
| |
MakeUniqueName(IValidatorString, String) |
Makes the string passed in unique and valid for the validator.
| |
MakeUniqueName(IEnumerableString, String, Boolean) |
Makes the string passed in unique and valid for the validator.
| |
SerializeToByteArray |
Serializes the specified object to a byte array using the default binary formatter.
| |
StripName |
Strips the name from the prefix/suffix patterns stored in stripPattern
| |
StripPasswordFromConnectionString |
Strips the password name-value pair from the connection string specified. It searches for 'password' or 'pwd' in the
name-value pairs.
| |
ValidateTValue(TValue, TValue, IValidatorTValue, Boolean, Boolean, String, ErrorContainer, Boolean) |
Validates the specified value to validate.
| |
ValidateTValue(TValue, TValue, IValidatorTValue, Boolean, Boolean, String, ErrorContainer, Boolean, TValue) |
Validates the specified value to validate.