DBDriverBase Class |
Namespace: SD.LLBLGen.Pro.DBDriverCore
The DBDriverBase type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
DBDriverBase |
Name | Description | |
ActiveCatalog |
Gets the active catalog.
| |
ConnectionElements |
Gets the list of connection elements to use to build a connection string.
| |
CreatedByDesigner |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this element is created by the designer from mappings (true) or that it was created from meta-data retrieved
from the database (false, default).
(Inherited from DBElementBase.) | |
CustomProperties |
Gets the Custom properties (name - value pairs) read from the schema.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.) | |
DBDriverCopyright |
Gets the copyright string for this driver
| |
DBDriverID |
Returns the driver ID which can be used to identify this driver with a specified driver in a driver.config file.
| |
DBDriverType |
Returns the string representation of the type of this driver, e.g. LLBLGen Pro database driver for SQLServer.
| |
DBDriverVendor |
Returns the name of the vendor of this driver, e.g. Solutions Design.
| |
DBDriverVersion |
Returns the string representation of the version of this driver, e.g. 1.0 Beta.
| |
DBTypesAsNETType |
Gets the dbtypes to .NET type conversiontable
| |
DBTypesAsProviderType |
Gets the dbtypes to provider type conversiontable
| |
DBTypesAsString |
Gets the dbtypes to string conversiontable
| |
DefaultValuePerTypeForParameters |
Gets the default value per type for parameters. As types, all value types in the supported set of types are included plus string.
The values are used for parameters for stored procedure calls for resultset retrieval.
| |
Deserializing |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is deserializing.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.) | |
ErrorLog |
Gets the complete ErrorLog for this object.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.) | |
FullName |
Gets the full name.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.) | |
FullNameForXml |
Gets the full name for XML. This is a name which has the format schemaname:elementname or schemaname:elementname:fieldname. Used for references.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.) | |
FullNameForXmlWithCatalog |
Gets the full name for XML. This is a name which has the format catalogname:schemaname:elementname or catalogname:schemaname:elementname:fieldname. Used for references.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.) | |
MajorServerVersionNumber |
Gets the major server version number.
| |
MarkedForDeletion |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this element is marked for deletion.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.) | |
MinorServerVersionNumber |
Gets the minor server version number.
| |
NETToDBTypeConversions |
Gets the .NET to DB type conversions.
| |
RdbmsFunctionalityAspects |
Returns the array list with RdbmsFunctionalityAspect specifications the database represented by this driver can perform.
| |
ServerVersion |
Gets the server version.
| |
SortOrderPerDBType |
Gets the list of sortorder (value) per dbtype (key)
| |
SupportsCatalogs |
Gets a value indicating whether the database of this driver supports the concept of a catalog
| |
SupportsCommandTimeout |
Gets a value indicating whether this driver supports command timeouts. Firebird for example doesn't support command timeouts. Default implementation
returns true;
| |
SupportsMultipleCatalogs |
Gets a value indicating whether the database of this driver supports multiple catalogs
| |
SupportsMultipleSchemas |
Gets a value indicating whether the database of this driver supports the concept of multiple schemas, either at the server level or at the catalog level.
| |
SupportsSchemas |
Gets a value indicating whether the database of this driver supports the concept of schemas. Schemas are always supported if catalogs are supported.
| |
TypeOfDBElement |
Gets the type of DB element in the form of a ContainedElementType value.
(Overrides DBElementBaseTypeOfDBElement.) |
Name | Description | |
CheckIfFkConstraintCanBeCreated |
Checks if an fk constraint can be created between the fk side and the pk side specified.
| |
Clone |
Clones this instance and shallow clones the connection elements
| |
ConstructConnectionString |
Constructs a valid connection string from the ConnectionElements specified in this driver instance.
| |
ConstructConnectionString(DictionaryConnectionElement, String) |
Constructs a valid connection string from the ConnectionElements specified.
| |
ConvertDBTypeToDBNETProviderType |
Converts the passed in db type to the name of the type in the .NET provider specific enum.
| |
ConvertDBTypeToNETType |
Converts the passed in db type to its .NET type
| |
ConvertDBTypeToString |
Converts the db type to a string value
| |
ConvertElementNameToString |
Creates a string representation of the element specified for SQL query purposes.
| |
ConvertSchemaElementToFullNameForSqlQuery |
Converts the specified element to a full name to be used in a sql query. E.g. [catalog].[schema].[tablename] for sql server. It uses the WrapIdentifier method to
create fragments for catalog/schema/table name (or view name). Override this method if the database doesn't support catalogs or schemas.
| |
ConvertStringToDBType |
Converts the name specified to a DBType value.
| |
CreateCatalogRetriever |
Produces the DBCatalogRetriever instance to use for retrieving meta-data of a catalog.
| |
CreateCommand(String) |
Creates a new command with the query set as command text and a new connection object set as its connection. It sets the command timeout
to the static command time set in the DDDriverbase class
| |
CreateCommand(DbConnection, String) |
Creates a new command with the query set as command text and the connection passed in set as its connection. It sets the command timeout
to the static command time set in the DDDriverbase class
| |
CreateConnection |
Creates a connection object using the factory and sets the connection string
| |
CreateConnectionDataCollector |
Creates the connectiondata object to be used to obtain the required information for connecting to the database.
| |
CreateDataAdapter(DbCommand) |
Creates a new data adapter with the connection specified and the query specified as the select query for the select command
| |
CreateDataAdapter(String) |
Creates a new data adapter with the connection specified and the query specified as the select query for the select command
| |
CreateDataAdapter(DbConnection, String) |
Creates a new data adapter with the connection specified and the query specified as the select query for the select command
| |
CreateDBDriverInstance |
Creates an instance of the given class in the given namespace, loaded from the given assembly. Bubbles all exceptions up.
| |
CreateParameter(DbCommand, DBStoredProcedureParameter) |
Creates a new db parameter based on the passed in DBStoredProcedureParameter
| |
CreateParameter(DbCommand, String, Object) |
Creates a new parameter with the value specified. It's a different implementation as the other overloads: this overload doesn't set the DbType
nor the size explicitly. Some providers need that like Sybase.
| |
CreateParameter(DbCommand, String, DbType, Int32) |
Creates a new parameter with the values specified and adds it to the parameter collection of the command specified
| |
CreateParameter(DbCommand, String, DbType, Int32, Object) |
Creates a new parameter with the values specified and adds it to the parameter collection of the command specified
| |
CreateSelectAllQuery |
Creates a SELECT fieldlist FROM elementname query where SELECT and FROM are placed on a new line. No CRLF is appended nor a query separator.
| |
CreateSelectTop100Query |
Creates a SELECT top 100 query for the element specified. The default implementation appends "LIMIT 100" to the result of CreateSelectAlLQuery.
The LIMIT 100 is appended on a new line.
| |
CreateStoredProcCallCommand(String) |
Creates a new command with the stored procedure call as the command text and a new connection object set as its connection. It sets the command timeout
to the static command time set in the DDDriverbase class.
| |
CreateStoredProcCallCommand(DbConnection, String) |
Creates a new command with the stored procedure call as the command text and the connection object passed in as its connection. It sets the command timeout
to the static command time set in the DDDriverbase class.
| |
CreateTVFCallStatementForSql |
Creates a TVF call statement to be used in a sql statement. Parameters are hard-coded with their names, and not values.
| |
DBTypeIsNumeric |
Returns true if the passed in type is a numeric type.
| |
DBTypeRequiresInsertValue |
Returns true if the specified type requires a value specified in Insert queries. Not all RDBMS's require for each type a value. F.e. SqlServer
doesn't require a value for Timestamp types, SqlServer will insert a value automatically.
| |
DBTypeSupportsPrecision |
Returns whether the specified dbtype supports a precision. By default false is returned.
| |
DBTypeSupportsScale |
Returns whether the specified dbtype supports a scale. By default false is returned.
| |
DeserializeAdditionalAttributes |
Deserializes attributes of this element's base class from the reader.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.) | |
Dispose |
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.) | |
Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
ExecuteSqlString |
Executes the string specified as one or more queries and returns the results in a list of sqlexecutionresults, one per query executed.
| |
ExecuteWithActiveRecoveryStrategy(Action) |
Executes the specified action with the active recovery strategy on this driver. If no recovery strategy is specified it will execute the action directly
| |
ExecuteWithActiveRecoveryStrategyT(FuncT) |
Executes the specified func with the active recovery strategy on this driver. If no recovery strategy is specified it will execute the func directly
| |
FillDbTypeConvertArrays |
Fills the db type arrays for various conversions
| |
FillDBTypeSortOrderList |
Fills the DB type sort order list.
| |
FillNETToDBTypeConversionsList |
Fills the NET to DB type conversions list.
| |
FillRdbmsFunctionalityAspects |
Fills the RDBMS functionality aspects list.
| |
Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GenerateSqlQueriesForElements |
Generates a string with for each element in sourceElementsToUse a sql query of the statementtype specified, separated by the genuine separator for the database type, or
an empty line if there's no separator known (e.g. MS Access).
| |
GetAllCatalogNames |
Gets all catalog names from the database system connected through the specified connection elements set.
| |
GetAllSchemaNames |
Gets all schema names from the catalog with the name specified in the database system connected through the specified connection elements set.
| |
GetAllStoredProcedureNames |
Gets all stored procedure names in the schema in the catalog specified in the database system connected through the specified connection elements set.
| |
GetAllSynonymNames |
Gets all synonym names (with the target type, if applicable) in the schema in the catalog specified in the database system connected through
the specified connection elements set.
| |
GetAllSystemSequences |
Gets all system sequence instances for the database targeted. System sequences are sequences which are system wide, like @@IDENTITY.
| |
GetAllTableNames |
Gets all table names in the schema in the catalog specified in the database system connected through the specified connection elements set.
| |
GetAllTableValuedFunctionNames |
Gets all table valued function names in the schema in the catalog specified in the database system connected through the specified connection
elements set.
| |
GetAllViewNames |
Gets all view names in the schema in the catalog specified in the database system connected through the specified connection elements set.
| |
GetCompatibleDBTypeDefinitionsForNetType(Type, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
Gets a List of all DBTypeDefinition instances which are compatible with the type specific information passed in. The first DBTypeSpecification is the
default type specification to user.
| |
GetCompatibleDBTypeDefinitionsForNetType(Type, Int32, Int32, Int32, String) |
Gets a List of all DBTypeDefinition instances which are compatible with the type specific information passed in. The first DBTypeSpecification is the
default type specification to user.
| |
GetConnectionStringToUse |
Gets the connection string to use.
| |
GetCurrencyTypes |
Gets the currency types for this driver. Used for optimizing the SortOrder per db type.
| |
GetDbProviderFactory |
Gets the db provider factory to use
| |
GetDbProviderFactoryInvariantNames |
Gets the DbProviderFactory invariant names to use for the factory. The first one which is found is used.
| |
GetDbTypeAsEnumStringValue |
Gets the string value of the db type passed in, from the Enum specification used in this driver for type specification
| |
GetDecimalTypes |
Gets the decimal types for this driver. Used for optimizing the SortOrder per db type.
| |
GetDefaultCatalogName |
Gets the default name to use for catalogs
| |
GetDefaultEmptyCatalog |
Gets a default empty catalog, for meta-data stores which are populated through the designer, if the database of this driver supports no catalogs
| |
GetDefaultEmptySchema |
Gets a default empty schema, for meta-data stores which are populated through the designer, if the database of this driver supports no multiple schemas
| |
GetDefaultSchemaName |
Gets the default name to use for schemas.
| |
GetFixedLengthTypes |
Gets the fixed length types (with multiple bytes, like char, binary), not b/clobs, for this driver. Used for optimizing the SortOrder per db type.
| |
GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetSqlQuerySeparator |
Gets the query separator string (including an empty line following it), to separate different queries in a batch.
By default it returns: ";\r\n\r\n"
| |
GetTargetDescription |
Gets the target description of the target the driver is connected to, for display in a UI
| |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetVariableLengthTypes |
Gets the variable length types (with multiple bytes, like varchar, varbinary), not b/clobs, for this driver. Used for optimizing the SortOrder per
db type.
| |
HandleContainedListChangedTChangeType |
Handles the contained list changed.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.) | |
InitDataStructures |
Inits the data structures of this driver. Call before anything starts.
| |
LogError |
Logs an error in the ErrorLog structure of this object.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.) | |
LogWarning |
Logs the description as a warning.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.) | |
MarkElementAsChangedTChangeType |
Marks the element as changed.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.) | |
MarkElementAsRemoved |
Marks the element as removed, which raises the ElementRemoved event.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.) | |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
ObtainDbProviderFactoryInstance |
Retrieves the DbProviderFactory instance to use. By default it uses the DbProviderFactories.GetFactory() method using the names provided by the
method GetDbProviderFactoryInvariantNames
| |
OnContainedElementAdded |
Called when this object received an event of type ContainedElementAdded
(Inherited from DBElementBase.) | |
OnContainedElementChanged |
Called when this object received an event of type ContainedElementChanged
(Inherited from DBElementBase.) | |
OnContainedElementRemoved |
Called when this object received an event of type ContainedElementRemoved
(Inherited from DBElementBase.) | |
OnPopulatingCatalog |
Called when the catalog with the name specified is about to be populated by this driver.
| |
OnPropertyChanged |
Raises the PropertyChanged event.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.) | |
PerformAdditionalContainedElementChangedWork |
Performs the additional contained element changed work. Override if additional work has to be done after the OnContainedElementChanged method has run.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.) | |
PerformPostSetConnectionElementsWork |
Performs the post set connection elements work. By default that's nothing. Use this method to process settings set in the connection dialog.
| |
PopulateCatalogs |
Populates the catalog(s) with the elements specified in the selectedElements datastructure.
This routine uses the callbacks specified in callbacks to visualize the progress.
| |
PreProcessCustomPropertyValue |
Pre-processes the passed in string to make it a valid custom property value. By default, strings are capped on 256 characters and CRLF's are removed.
| |
ProduceFullNameForCommandExecution |
Produces the full name for command execution. The name returned is immediately usable as a name to target the element, e.g. a stored procedure.
| |
ProduceMajorAndMinorServerVersionNumber |
Produces the major and minor server version number from the ServerVersion string
| |
Reset |
Resets this instance.
| |
ResetErrorLog |
Resets the Error Log for this object to an empty list.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.) | |
SerializeAdditionalAttributes |
Serializes the additional attributes.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.) | |
SetCatalogNameAsDefault |
Sets the catalog name passed in as the default catalog.
| |
SetConnectionElements |
Sets the connection elements to the contents of the passed in dictionary by copying them over into the ConnectionElements dictionary. The
current values in ConnectionElements are removed first.
| |
SetTransientErrorRecoveryStrategy |
Sets the transient error recovery strategy to the one specified.
| |
SplitSqlString |
Splits the string specified on the default separator string for this database. Assumes the string has been stripped from comments.
| |
SplitSqlStringWithLineDelimiter |
Splits the string specified based on lines with the delimiter string specified, e.g. 'go' on a separate line will split the string on that line, ignoring 'go'.
| |
SuffixSqlQueryForSingleCmdExecution |
Suffixes the specified query with a string (usually ';') to make it usable in a single cmd execution. Some databases can't deal with a ';' at the end, so override
this method in that case and suffx the fragment with another character or none at all.
| |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
UpdateSortOrderPerDBType |
Resets the SortOrderPerDBType data-structure and updates the order with the setting values specified.
| |
WrapIdentifier |
Wraps the string specified as an identifier in the characters required for the database. E.g. in postgresql / oracle the identifier is wrapped in "", in SQL Server, it's in [].
The default implementation wraps it in ""
Name | Description | |
ContainedElementAdded |
Raised when an element was added to a collection (indirectly) contained in this element
(Inherited from DBElementBase.) | |
ContainedElementChanged |
Raised when an element contained in this element was changed.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.) | |
ContainedElementRemoved |
Raised when an element was removed from a collection (indirectly) contained in this element
(Inherited from DBElementBase.) | |
HasBeenChanged |
Raised when the implementing element has been changed
(Inherited from DBElementBase.) | |
HasBeenRemoved |
Raised when the implementing element has been removed from its container
(Inherited from DBElementBase.) | |
PropertyChanged |
Occurs when a property value changes. (INotifyPropertyChanged)
(Inherited from DBElementBase.) |
Name | Description | |
CommandTimeOut |
The command timeout to use by the driver for activity with the db.