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EntityExpression Properties

The EntityExpression type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlias
Gets or sets the Alias assigned to this set.
(Inherited from SetExpression.)
Public propertyCanReduce
Indicates that the node can be reduced to a simpler node. If this returns true, Reduce() can be called to produce the reduced form.
(Inherited from Expression.)
Public propertyContainedAliases
Gets or sets the AliasContainer which contains the aliases inside this direct set which are reachable only INSIDE this set. If null, it has no aliases directly inside this set, it can be the source might have contained aliases.
(Inherited from SetExpression.)
Public propertyCorrelationRelation
Gets the relation which connects the set defined by this entity type and a containing query. This is normally the first relation in the relationsToUse list, as that relation ties the relations in the RelationsToUse to the outer query. A correlated subquery is a normal subquery with a predicate which ties subquery set and outer query together. This predicate is createable from the entity relation by simply creating FieldCompareExpression predicates from the field(s) of fk and pk. Aliases for the fields have to be set to the aliases of pk/fk side in the relation. Can be null.
Public propertyCreatedFromParameter
Gets or sets the parameter this instance was created from, if any. Can be a parameter this entity is created from indirectly, e.g. od.Order.Customer, both Order and Customer navigators result in an EntityExpression which all are created from the parameter od. This is required to be able to move relations based on navigators to the right scope (i.e. the one where the parameter is defined).
Public propertyEntityType
Gets or sets the type of the entity as represented by this EntityExpression.
Public propertyIsExtractionLocked
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is extraction locked, which means a where/orderby extractor won't touch it.
(Inherited from SetExpression.)
Public propertyNodeType
Gets the node type of this Expression.
(Inherited from CommonExpression.)
Public propertyRelationsToUse
Gets the relations required to access this entity. Can be null (which means: no relations needed) This collection is filled if the entity represented by this expression is a related entity so a relation is required to reach that entity. The relations in this collection are always IEntityRelation, as dynamic relations aren't the result of an access of a related entity/collection, which are the source of the relations in this set.
Public propertyRequiresProjection
Flag which is set if this set requires a projection to be usable. This flag is later on used to determine if a projection has to be injected into the processing result of this set if there's none defined (true), or not (false). Default is false;
(Inherited from SetExpression.)
Public propertySource
Gets or sets the source expression of the select
(Inherited from SetExpression.)
Public propertyType
Gets the static type of the expression that this Expression represents.
(Inherited from CommonExpression.)
Public propertyUnionedQueries
Set of unioned queries with this set expression
(Inherited from SetExpression.)
Public propertyUnionedQueriesSpecified
Gets whether there are unioned queries in this query (true) or not (false)
(Inherited from SetExpression.)
See Also