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MappingTracker Properties

The MappingTracker type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCacheDuration
Gets or sets the duration of the cache.
Public propertyCacheResultset
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [cache resultset].
Public propertyCacheTag
Gets or sets the tag the resultset should be cached under. By default this is the empty string (no tag)
Public propertyCreatedDerivedTables
Gets the list of created derived tables.
Public propertyFromToAliasesForDefaultIfEmptysFound
Gets the list of from-to alias pairs for DefaultIfEmpty expressions found which will be replaced with a set with a different alias This list is used to correct elements which refer to the DefaultIfEmpty's alias.
Public propertyOverwriteIfPresent
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [overwrite if present].
Public propertyQueryTag
Gets or sets the optional tag for the SQL query/queries to relate SQL strings in an RDBMS with an origin. This is set in this tracker to be able to set the tag of the outer query.
See Also