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LLBLGenProProviderBase Fields

The LLBLGenProProviderBase type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberAlwaysUseLastSpecifiedTake
This setting controls whether a specified Take(m) will overwrite an already specified row limit of a previous specified Take(n). By default this setting is set to false, which is different from the the behavior of v2.6-v4.0, which is equal to having this setting set to true. Example: metaData.Customer.Take(10).Take(20) will result in 20 rows when this setting is set to true. When set to false (default), this query will result in 10 rows, as taking 20 rows from a set of 10 will always result in a set of 10 rows.
Public fieldStatic memberCacheCompiledLamdbas
Flag which signals whether compiled lambda's should be cached (true) or that they have to be compiled every time (false). Switch to false if caching gives memory problems or otherwise odd results.
Public fieldStatic memberCacheMaxEntriesPerThread
Static value which has appdomain scope, and which controls the cache size for the compiled lambdas per thread. Every time the cache hits the set limit, it's cleared. Compiling lambda's is done in Select(lambda) calls to create typed projections.
See Also