ProjectProperties Class |
Namespace: SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ApplicationCore.ProjectClasses
The ProjectProperties type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
ProjectProperties |
Creates a new ProjectProperties instance.
Name | Description | |
Abbreviations |
Gets the abbreviations set for the project. Abbreviations are name-value pairs with the abbreviation as key and the full string as value.
| |
AdditionalTaskPerformerFolder |
Gets or sets the additional generator config folder.
| |
AdditionalTasksFolder |
Gets or sets the additional generator config folder.
| |
AdditionalTemplatesFolder |
Gets or sets the additional template set folder.
| |
AdditionalTypeConverterFolder |
Gets or sets the additional template set folder.
| |
AddNewElementsAfterRelationalModelDataSync | ||
AddNewFieldsAfterRelationalModelDataSync | ||
AddNewViewsAsEntitiesAfterRelationalModelDataSync | ||
AutoAddManyToManyRelationships |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [auto add many to many relationships].
| |
AutoAssignSequencesToIntegerPks |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [auto assign sequences to integer PKS].
| |
AutoAssignTypeConverterToFieldMapping |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [auto assign type converter to new field].
| |
AutomaticallyGenerateSourceCodeOnProjectSave |
Gets or sets the AutomaticallyGenerateSourceCodeOnProjectSave setting
| |
ConnectionStringKeyNamePattern |
Gets / sets the connection string key name
| |
DefaultRelationshipDeleteRuleAction |
Gets or sets the default relationship delete rule action.
| |
DefaultRelationshipUpdateRuleAction |
Gets or sets the default relationship update rule action.
| |
DeleteObsoleteFiles |
Gets / sets the DeleteObsoleteFiles setting
| |
EncodingToUse |
Gets / sets encodingToUse
| |
EntityActionCombinationDefaultForTable |
Gets or sets the entity action combination default for table.
| |
EntityActionCombinationDefaultForView |
Gets or sets the entity action combination default for view.
| |
EntityFieldNameStripPattern |
the pattern with prefix/suffix strip patterns to strip off the entity names. if the entity field's name is equal to the pattern, nothing
is stripped off. stripping is case insensitive.
| |
EntityNameStripPattern |
the pattern with prefix/suffix strip patterns to strip off the entity names. if the entity's name is equal to the pattern, nothing
is stripped off. stripping is case insensitive.
| |
ExcludableOrphanedElementDetectedAction |
Gets or sets the excludable orphaned element detected action.
| |
FailCodeGenerationOnWriteError |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [fail code generation on write error].
| |
FieldMappedOntoRelatedFieldPattern |
Gets / sets FieldMappedOnOneManyToOnePattern
| |
FkFieldsAreNamedAfterTargetField |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [fk fields are named after target field].
| |
ForeignKeyConstraintPattern |
Gets or sets the foreign key constraint pattern.
| |
ForeignKeyFieldPattern |
Gets or sets the foreign key field pattern.
| |
GroupUsage |
Gets or sets the group usage.
| |
IdentifyingFieldsFollowDBPrimaryKeyConstraints |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [identifying fields follow primary keys].
| |
InsertUnderscoreAtWordBreakCaseInsensitiveDBs |
Gets or sets the meta data element name casing setting
| |
InsertUnderscoreAtWordBreakCaseSensitiveDBs |
Gets or sets the meta data element name casing setting
| |
IsChanged |
Gets / sets isChanged
| |
LengthPrecisionScaleFollowDBLengthPrecisionScale |
Gets or sets the types follow DB types.
| |
MakeElementNamePascalCasing |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [make element name pascal casing].
| |
NavigatorMappedOntoManyToManyPattern |
Gets / sets FieldMappedOnManyToManyPattern
| |
NavigatorMappedOntoOneManyToOnePattern |
Gets / sets FieldMappedOnOneManyToOnePattern
| |
NavigatorMappedOntoOneToManyPattern |
Gets / sets FieldMappedOnOneToManyPattern
| |
NonExcludableOrphanedElementDetectedAction |
Gets or sets the excludable orphaned element detected action.
| |
PreferDecimalOverCurrencyTypes |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [prefer natural character types].
| |
PreferNaturalCharacterTypes |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [prefer natural character types].
| |
PreferSystemSequencesOverSchemaSequencesIfApplicable |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [prefer system sequences over schema sequences difference applicable].
| |
PreferVariableLengthTypes |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [prefer variable length types].
| |
PrimaryKeyConstraintPattern |
Gets or sets the primary key constraint pattern.
| |
ProjectCreator |
The name of the user who created the project.
| |
ProjectLocationPathFilename |
The full path where LLBLGen Pro should store the project information.
Because this property can be changed without having to do a re-save, a
change to this property will not mark the project as being changed
| |
ProjectName |
The name of the project.
| |
ReflectNullabilityOfElementFieldInTargetField |
Gets or sets the reflect nullability of element field intarget field.
| |
ReflectTypeOfElementFieldInTargetField |
Gets or sets the reflect type of element field in target field.
| |
RelationalModelDataElementNameCasingCaseInsensitiveDBs |
Gets or sets the relational model data element name casing case insensitive D bs.
| |
RelationalModelDataElementNameCasingCaseSensitiveDBs |
Gets or sets the meta data element name casing setting
| |
RelationshipsFollowDBForeignKeyConstraints |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [relationships follow DB foreign key constraints].
| |
RemoveUnderscoresFromElementName |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [remove underscores from element name].
| |
RemoveUnmappedElementsAfterRelationalModelDataSync | ||
ResetFieldOrderBasedOnTargetOrderAtRelationalModelDataSync | ||
RetrieveDBCustomProperties |
Gets / sets retrieveDBCustomProperties
| |
RootNameSpace |
Gets / sets the root name space value for this project.
| |
SequenceNameMatchingPattern |
Gets or sets the sequence name matching pattern.
| |
SequencePattern |
Gets or sets the sequence pattern.
| |
SetGroupNameAfterSchemaName |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [set group name after schema name].
| |
SetSchemaNameAfterGroupName | ||
SingularizeElementNames |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [singularize element names].
| |
StoredProcNameStripPattern |
the pattern with prefix/suffix strip patterns to strip off the stored procedure names. If the stored procedure's name is equal to the pattern, nothing
is stripped. Stripping is case insensitive.
| |
StoreTimeLastGeneratedIntoProject |
Gets / sets storeTimeLastGeneratedIntoProject
| |
StoreTimeLastSyncIntoProject | ||
SyncCustomFieldOrderingWithTableFieldIndex |
Gets/sets the value for the SyncCustomFieldOrderingWithTableFieldIndex setting
| |
SyncMappedElementNamesAfterRelationalModelDataSync | ||
SyncRelationalModelDataElementNameWithModelElementName |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [sync relational model data element name after rename].
| |
SyncRenamedMappedElementNamesAfterRelationalModelDataSync | ||
TableValuedFunctionNameStripPattern |
the pattern with prefix/suffix strip patterns to strip off the tvf names. If the tvf's name is equal to the pattern, nothing
is stripped. Stripping is case insensitive.
| |
TargetPerEntityEdgesRequireBackingFkConstraint |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [target per entity edges require backing fk constraint].
| |
TypedViewFieldNameStripPattern |
the pattern with prefix/suffix strip patterns to strip off the view names. If the view field's name is equal to the pattern, nothing
is stripped. stripping is case insensitive.
| |
TypedViewMappedOnResultsetPattern | ||
TypedViewNameStripPattern |
the pattern with prefix/suffix strip patterns to strip off the view names. If the view's name is equal to the pattern, nothing
is stripped. stripping is case insensitive.
| |
UniqueConstraintPattern |
Gets or sets the unique constraint pattern.
| |
UniqueConstraintsFollowDBUniqueConstraints |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [unique constraints follow DB unique constraints].
| |
UpdateCustomPropertiesAfterRelationalModelDataSync | ||
UseCustomFieldOrderingOnNewElements |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [use custom field ordering on new elements].
Name | Description | |
CorrectDeserializedOldProjectSettings |
Corrects the deserialized old project settings to new values: the values which were previously TriStateBool values were converted to normal bool values and have to
be read from the preferences.
| |
DeserializeFromReader |
Deserializes the data for this class from the xml reader passed in
| |
Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
InheritFromPreferences |
Inherits from preferences.
| |
InitDefaultsInOldVersion |
Initializes the defaults in this version as it's an old project. Use this method to overwrite settings which have to be reset in this version.
| |
MakeFolderAbsolute |
Routine which will produce a full, absolute folder (e.g. c:\foo\bar), from the folder specified. If the folder specified is a full folder (i.e.
doesn't start with .\ or ..\ or is equal to '.'), the folder is simply returned as result. If the folder is a relative folder, it is seen as
relative folder from the location of this project, so it's appended to the ProjectLocationPathFilename's path.
| |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
PrecalculatePatternFragmentPresence |
Precalculates the pattern fragment presence in the field name patterns.
| |
SerializeToWriter |
Serializes the data in this class to the serializer passed in
| |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |