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IndirectRelationshipEdge Properties

The IndirectRelationshipEdge type exposes the following members.

Public propertyEndEntityNavigator
Gets / sets the field name mapped onto this relationship in the endEntity.
(Inherited from RelationshipEdge.)
Public propertyEndEntityNavigatorValidator
Gets the end entity navigator validator.
(Inherited from RelationshipEdge.)
Public propertyEndVertex
Gets the end vertex of the edge.
(Inherited from EdgeTVertex.)
Public propertyError
Gets an error message indicating what is wrong with this object.
(Inherited from RelationshipEdge.)
Public propertyFirstRelationship
Gets the first relationship (between start entity and intermediate entity), if there are relationships specified, otherwise null.
Public propertyFullDescription
Gets the full description of this relationship, to be used in textual representations of the relationhip in for example trees.
(Inherited from RelationshipEdge.)
Public propertyFullDescriptionReverse
Gets the full reverse description, so if FullDescription returns startentity 1:n endentity, this property returns endentity m:1 startentity
(Inherited from RelationshipEdge.)
Public propertyIsDirected
Gets a value indicating whether this edge is directed. If true, the edge is directed from startVertex to endVertex and is seen as an edge only between startVertex and endVertex, not between endVertex and startVertex. If false, this edge isn't considered a directed edge and is seen as an edge between startVertex and endVertex and also between endVertex and startVertex.
(Inherited from EdgeTVertex.)
Public propertyIsPureManyToMany
Returns whether this relationship is a 'pure' many to many. A pure many to many relationship means the intermediate entity is an entity with solely a primary key and all fields in the primary key are fk fields in the two participating m:1 relationships.
Public propertyItem
Gets the String with the specified column name.
(Inherited from RelationshipEdge.)
Public propertyModelOnly
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this relationship is a 'model only' (true) relationship or a full relationship (false). Full relationships require a foreign key constraint in the relational model data.
(Overrides RelationshipEdgeModelOnly.)
Public propertyRelationships
Gets the relationships this indirectrelationedge is based on.
Public propertyRelationshipType
Gets / sets the type of the relationship.
(Inherited from RelationshipEdge.)
Public propertySecondRelationship
Gets the second relationship (between end entity and intermediate entity), if there are relationships specified, otherwise null.
Public propertyStartEntityNavigator
Gets / sets the field name mapped onto this relationship in the startEntity.
(Inherited from RelationshipEdge.)
Public propertyStartEntityNavigatorValidator
Gets the start entity navigator validator.
(Inherited from RelationshipEdge.)
Public propertyStartVertex
Gets the start vertex of the edge.
(Inherited from EdgeTVertex.)
Public propertyUniqueAssociationName
Returns a unique association name. The name can be used using code generation if the whole model is consumed in 1 go to refer to associations. Format: StartvertexFullName_EndVertexFullName_StartNavigator_EndNavigator. If both navigators are empty, Guid(N) is used instead of navigatornames, and the format becomes StartvertexFullName_EndVertexFullName_Guid.
(Inherited from RelationshipEdge.)
Explicit Interface Implementations
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIRelationshipEdgeFullDescription
Gets the full description.
(Inherited from RelationshipEdge.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIRelationshipEdgeLeftNavigator
Gets the left navigator which is the navigator of the left side of the relationship.
(Inherited from RelationshipEdge.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIRelationshipEdgeLeftQuantifierString
Gets the left quantifier string for the relationship, e.g. if the relationshiptype is 1:n, the left quantifier is 1, the right quantifier is '*'
(Inherited from RelationshipEdge.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIRelationshipEdgeLeftVertexFullName
Gets the Full name of the left vertex of the relationship
(Inherited from RelationshipEdge.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIRelationshipEdgeRelationshipType
Gets the type of the relationship.
(Inherited from RelationshipEdge.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIRelationshipEdgeRightNavigator
Gets the right navigator, which is the navigator of the right side of the relationship.
(Inherited from RelationshipEdge.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIRelationshipEdgeRightQuantifierString
Gets the right quantifier string for the relationship, e.g. if the relationshiptype is 1:n, the left quantifier is 1, the right quantifier is '*'
(Inherited from RelationshipEdge.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIRelationshipEdgeRightVertexFullName
Gets the Full name of the right vertex of the relationship
(Inherited from RelationshipEdge.)
See Also