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FibonacciHeapTElement Properties

The FibonacciHeapTElement generic type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCount
Gets the number of elements in the heap.
(Overrides HeapBaseTElementCount.)
Protected propertyElementCompareFunc
Gets the element compare func, which is the func to compare two elements based on the heap type: the function returns true if the first element is indeed the correct parent of the second element or false if not.
(Inherited from HeapBaseTElement.)
Public propertyIsMinHeap
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is a min heap (true) or a max heap (false)
(Inherited from HeapBaseTElement.)
Protected propertyKeyCompareFunc
Gets the key compare func to compare elements based on key.
(Inherited from HeapBaseTElement.)
Public propertyRoot
Gets the root of the heap. Depending on the fact if this is a min or max heap, it returns the element with the minimum key (min heap) or the element with the maximum key (max heap). If the heap is empty, null / default is returned
(Overrides HeapBaseTElementRoot.)
See Also