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FibonacciHeapTElementUpdateKey Method

Overload List
Public methodUpdateKeyTKeyType(TElement, ActionTElement, TKeyType, TKeyType)
Updates the key of the element passed in. Only use this method for elements where the key is a property of the element, not the element itself. This means that if you have a heap with value typed elements (e.g. integers), updating the key is updating the value of the element itself, and because a heap might contain elements with the same value, this could lead to undefined results.
(Overrides HeapBaseTElementUpdateKeyTKeyType(TElement, ActionTElement, TKeyType, TKeyType).)
Public methodUpdateKeyTKeyType(TElement, ActionTElement, TKeyType, TKeyType)
Updates the key of the element passed in. Only use this method for elements where the key is a property of the element, not the element itself. This means that if you have a heap with value typed elements (e.g. integers), updating the key is updating the value of the element itself, and because a heap might contain elements with the same value, this could lead to undefined results.
(Inherited from HeapBaseTElement.)
See Also