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TypeConversionDefinition Properties

The TypeConversionDefinition type exposes the following members.

Public propertyConverterCoreType
Gets the core type of the associated type converter, which is the model side's .NET type the type conversion works on.
Public propertyConverterToUse
Gets / sets converterToUse
Public propertyConverterToUseDescription
Gets the converter to use description.
Public propertyConverterToUseName
Gets the name of the converter to use.
Public propertyDbDotNetType
Gets / sets the Db .Net Type, the db side's .NET type the type conversion works on.
Public propertyFilterDbType
Gets or sets the dbfilter value, the scale value of the DB side to filter on
Public propertyFilterDbTypeSet
If true, FilterDbType is used for filtering fields to apply the conversion onto
Public propertyFilterLength
Gets or sets the length filter value, the scale value of the DB side to filter on
Public propertyFilterLengthSet
If true, FilterLength is used for filtering fields to apply the conversion onto
Public propertyFilterPrecision
Gets or sets the precision filter value, the scale value of the DB side to filter on
Public propertyFilterPrecisionSet
If true, FilterPrecision is used for filtering fields to apply the conversion onto
Public propertyFilterScale
Gets or sets the scale filter value, the scale value of the DB side to filter on
Public propertyFilterScaleSet
If true, FilterScale is used for filtering fields to apply the conversion onto
Public propertyIsChanged
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is changed.
See Also