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RawImportableDerivedModelElementDefinition Properties

The RawImportableDerivedModelElementDefinition type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDestinationDerivedModelName
Gets or sets the name of the destination group.
Public propertyElementType
Gets or sets the type of the element.
(Inherited from RawImportableElementDefinition.)
Public propertyError
Gets an error message indicating what is wrong with this object. The default is an empty string ("")
(Inherited from RawImportableElementDefinition.)
Public propertyImportElement
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this element should be imported
(Inherited from RawImportableElementDefinition.)
Public propertyIsIncludedDirectly
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this element is included directly (so it was selected explicitly by the user). This has influence on whether the element is created as a copy if it already exists.
(Inherited from RawImportableElementDefinition.)
Public propertyIsValid
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid.
(Overrides RawImportableElementDefinitionIsValid.)
Public propertyItem
Gets the String with the specified column name.
(Inherited from RawImportableElementDefinition.)
Public propertyObjectID
Gets the object ID, which is the unique ID for this instance. This is necessary for identifying the data in this element in lookup tables when this object's data is used as key. The object itself isn't usable because it's serialized/deserialized across appdomain boundaries.
(Inherited from RawImportableElementDefinition.)
Public propertySourceDerivedModelName
Gets or sets the group name of the source.
Public propertySourceFullName
Gets the full name of the source
(Overrides RawImportableElementDefinitionSourceFullName.)
Public propertySourceName
Gets or sets the name of the source.
(Inherited from RawImportableElementDefinition.)
See Also