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ImportableNormalRelationship Properties

The ImportableNormalRelationship type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDeleteRuleAction
Gets or sets the update rule action.
Public propertyEndEntity
Gets or sets the end entity.
(Inherited from ImportableRelationship.)
Public propertyEndEntityIsOptional
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the end entity is optional
Public propertyEndNavigator
Gets or sets the end navigator.
(Inherited from ImportableRelationship.)
Public propertyFieldRelationships
Gets or sets the field pairs. Value1 is PkField, Value2 is FkField.
Public propertyModelOnly
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this relationship is model only.
Public propertyRelationshipType
Gets or sets the type of the relationship.
(Inherited from ImportableRelationship.)
Public propertyStartEntity
Gets or sets the start entity.
(Inherited from ImportableRelationship.)
Public propertyStartEntityIsOptional
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the start entity is optional
Public propertyStartEntityIsPkSide
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the start entity is the pk side of the relationship.
Public propertyStartNavigator
Gets or sets the start navigator.
(Inherited from ImportableRelationship.)
Public propertyUpdateRuleAction
Gets or sets the update rule action.
See Also