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Project Properties

The Project type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAdditionalTasksFolderFullPath
Gets the additional tasks folder as a full path.
Public propertyAdditionalTemplatesFolderFullPath
Gets the additional templates folder as a full path.
Public propertyAdditionalTypeConverters
Gets the type converters found in the additional typeconverters folder in the project properties. These type converters are specific to this project.
Public propertyCodeGenerationCyclePreferencesPerOutputType
Gets the used code generation cycle preferences (value) per outputType (key)
Public propertyDerivedModels
Gets the derived models defined in this project.
Public propertyEntityModel
Gets the entity mode graph
Public propertyHolderDescription
Gets the holder description for text messages to the user.
Public propertyInheritanceHierarchies
Gets the inheritance hierarchies graph.
Public propertyIsChanged
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is changed.
Public propertyIsDeserializing
Public propertyLastSyncDateTime
Gets or sets the datetime (local time) of the last sync action this project was involved in. Not persisted to disk, it's valid for as long as the project is in memory.
Public propertyLastSyncLogNode
Gets or sets the lognode of the last sync action this project was involved in. Not persisted to disk, it's valid for as long as the project is in memory.
Public propertyMappingData
Gets the mapping data, stored per driverID
Public propertyMetaData
Gets the meta data (sets of catalogs), stored per driverID.
Public propertyModelType
The model type this framework holder is interested in.
Public propertyModelViews
Gets or sets the model views of this project.
Public propertyOutputSettingValues
Gets or sets the output setting values for the project.
Public propertyProjectID
Gets the project identifier.
Public propertyProjectName
Gets or sets the name of the project.
Public propertyProperties
Gets the properties of the project
Public propertySavedElementSearchQueries
Gets the saved element search queries for this project
Public propertySPCalls
Gets or sets the SPCallDefinitions in this project.
Public propertyTargetElementType
Gets the target element type of this target.
Public propertyTargetFrameworkInstance
Gets the entity model target framework instance with the name specified in TargetFrameworkName
Public propertyTargetFrameworkName
Gets the entity model target framework name for this project.
Public propertyTvfCalls
Gets or sets the TVF calls in this project.
Public propertyTypedLists
Gets the typed lists definitions
Public propertyTypedViews
Gets or sets the TypedViewDefinitions in this project
Public propertyTypeShortcuts
Gets or sets the type shortcuts defined for this project.
Public propertyUseLegacyDefaults
Gets a value indicating whether legacy defaults (true, default) should be used for SettingDefinitions or not (false). Set to false when SetTargetFramework is called.
Public propertyValueTypes
Gets or sets the ValueType definitions in this project.
Explicit Interface Implementations
See Also