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EmbeddedDocumentDefinition Methods

The EmbeddedDocumentDefinition type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddField
Adds the field specified as a new field to this document.
(Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Public methodAddSubtype
Adds the specified subtype to the set of sub types of this embedded document.
Protected methodAppendAdditionalDocElementsToStringBuilder (Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Protected methodAppendToStringBuilder (Overrides DocumentDefinitionBaseAppendToStringBuilder(StringBuilder, Int32).)
Protected methodBindAdditionalEvents
Binds the additional event handlers of contained elements.
(Overrides DocumentDefinitionBaseBindAdditionalEvents.)
Public methodBindEvents
Binds the event handlers of contained elements.
(Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Public methodClearErrors
Clears the errors set in this object.
(Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Public methodClone
Clones this instance using deep cloning. It doesn't clone elements referenced from the entity model. There it uses shallow clone.
Public methodContainsSameField
Determines whether
(Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Public methodCreateValidators
Creates the validators for the elements contained in this class.
(Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Protected methodDeserializeAdditionalAttributes
Deserializes the additional attributes from the xml pointed at by the passed in xml reader
(Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Protected methodDeserializeAdditionalData
Deserializes the additional data from the xml pointed at by the passed in reader.
(Overrides DocumentDefinitionBaseDeserializeAdditionalData(XmlReader, Project, ReferencedElement).)
Protected methodDetermineFullPathToRootDocument
Determines the full path to the root document.
(Overrides DocumentDefinitionBaseDetermineFullPathToRootDocument.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodGetAdditionalFields
Gets the additional fields of this document, e.g. embedded in objects like subtypes.
(Overrides DocumentDefinitionBaseGetAdditionalFields.)
Public methodGetAdditionalInterfaces
Gets the additional interfaces, if applicable, for this element, where the default interfaces are prefiltered with the ignored interfaces defined in this element. All interface macros are replaced with real names.
(Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Public methodGetAdditionalNamespaces
Gets the additional namespaces, if applicable, for this element, where the default namespaces are prefiltered with the ignored namespaces defined in this element. All namespace macros are replaced with real names.
(Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Public methodGetAllInheritedFields
Gets all inherited fields, which are all fields (indirectly) inherited by the supertype document plus the fields of the supertype document. If this embedded document isn't in a set of subtypes, this method returns an empty list.
Public methodGetAllSubtypesInCompleteHierarchy
Gets all subtypes in the complete hierarchy, so also the indirect subtypes of the subtypes in this document.
Public methodGetAttributes
Gets the attributes, if applicable, for this element, where the default attributes are prefiltered with the ignored attributes defined in this element. All name macros and $length/$precision/$scale macros are replaced with real values. (if applicable)
(Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Protected methodGetFieldDerivedFromEntityField
Gets the field derived from the entity field specified, which is a field in the root entity of this document.
(Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Public methodGetFieldsOfCompleteTree
Enumerates over the fields in this document and the fields of embedded documents, using depth-first search traversal.
(Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodGetNameValidator
Gets the validator for the name property.
(Overrides DocumentDefinitionBaseGetNameValidator.)
Public methodGetRealStringSettingValueWithMacrosResolved
Gets the real setting value of the setting with the name specified as string. Also resolves any macros defined in the value (if any) to real values.
(Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodHandleFieldRemoved
Performs the work necessary after a field has been removed.
(Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Protected methodHandleFieldsListChanged (Overrides DocumentDefinitionBaseHandleFieldsListChanged(ListChangedEventArgs).)
Protected methodHandleRootElementValueTypeFieldsChanged
Called when the fields collection in the valuetype in the root element changed, so a field was removed or added. We simply rebuild the document and update ourselves.
(Overrides DocumentDefinitionBaseHandleRootElementValueTypeFieldsChanged.)
Public methodIsSame
Returns true if the passed in IDocumentFieldSource instance can be seen as a source originating from the same element. This means that even if the passed in element or this element has been changed, e.g. elementName has been changed, it will still return true if the original source is equal. This method is therefore different from 'Equals' which compares all elements.
Public methodMarkAsRemoved
Marks this document as removed by raising its HasBeenRemoved event.
Protected methodMarkDocumentAsChanged
Marks the document definition as changed.
(Overrides DocumentDefinitionBaseMarkDocumentAsChanged(DocumentDefinitionChangeType).)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodPerformAdditionalUpdateDocumentShapeWithThisDocsContents
Performs additional work for the update document shape with this docs contents.
(Overrides DocumentDefinitionBasePerformAdditionalUpdateDocumentShapeWithThisDocsContents(EmbeddedDocumentDefinition, ListDocumentFieldDefinition).)
Protected methodPerformPostDeserializationWork
Performs the post deserialization work necessary.
(Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Protected methodRaiseHasBeenRemoved (Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Public methodRemoveAdditionalType
Removes the additional type specified from the set of additional types of this embedded document.
Public methodRemoveField
Removes the field specified from this document
(Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Protected methodSerializeAdditionalAttributes
Serializes the additional attributes of this class to the xml.
(Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Protected methodSerializeAdditionalElements
Serializes the additional elements of this class.
(Overrides DocumentDefinitionBaseSerializeAdditionalElements(ISerializer).)
Public methodSerializeToWriter
Serializes the data in this class to the serializer passed in
(Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Protected methodUnbindAdditionalEvents
Unbinds the additional event handlers of contained elements.
(Overrides DocumentDefinitionBaseUnbindAdditionalEvents.)
Public methodUnbindEvents
Unbinds the event handlers of contained elements
(Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Public methodUpdateDocumentShapeWithThisDocsContents
Updates the document shape specified using the fields in this document. A field which is in this document but not in the specified document 'toUpdate' is added to the specified document toUpdate.
(Inherited from DocumentDefinitionBase.)
Protected methodUpdateOutputSettingValuesContainerOfNestedElementsWithDefaults
Updates the option values containers with defaults in nested elements, like fields. The base implementation traverses the fields.
(Overrides DocumentDefinitionBaseUpdateOutputSettingValuesContainerOfNestedElementsWithDefaults(FrameworkSettingTargetElementType, OutputSettingValuesContainer).)
Protected methodValidate
Validates this instance.
(Overrides DocumentDefinitionBaseValidate.)
Explicit Interface Implementations
Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodIDocumentFieldSourceCreateValidators
Creates validator objects for the source object, if required.
Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodIDocumentFieldSourceSerializeToWriter
Serializes the source to the serializer specified.
Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodIDocumentFieldSourceUpdateOutputSettingValuesContainerWithDefaults
Updates the output setting values container of this element (if applicable) with the defaults in the container specified.
See Also