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SortingExtensionMethods Methods

Public methodStatic memberSortT(IListT, SortAlgorithm, SortDirection)
Sorts the specified IList(Of T) using the algorithm specified in the order specified.
Public methodStatic memberSortT(IListT, SortAlgorithm, SortDirection, IComparerT)
Sorts the specified IList(Of T) using the algorithm specified in the order specified.
Public methodStatic memberSortT(IListT, SortAlgorithm, SortDirection, ComparisonT)
Sorts the specified IList(Of T) using the algorithm specified in the order specified.
Public methodStatic memberSortT(IListT, SortAlgorithm, SortDirection, Int32, Int32)
Sorts the specified IList(Of T) using the algorithm specified in the order specified.
Public methodStatic memberSortT(IListT, SortAlgorithm, SortDirection, Int32, Int32, IComparerT)
Sorts the specified IList(Of T) using the algorithm specified in the order specified.
Public methodStatic memberSortT(IListT, SortAlgorithm, SortDirection, Int32, Int32, ComparisonT)
Sorts the specified IList(Of T) using the algorithm specified in the order specified.
See Also