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ImportableData Properties

The ImportableData type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDBData
Gets or sets the list of importable db data elements
Public propertyDerivedModels
Gets the derived models.
Public propertyEntities
Gets or sets the entities.
Public propertyInheritanceEdges
Gets or sets the inheritance edges.
Public propertyMappingData
Gets or sets the mappings, one object per driverid. If empty, DBData is ignored. All elements mapped have to be in the model element containers and in a DBData element.
Public propertyRelationships
Gets or sets the relationships.
Public propertyRootDocuments
Gets the root documents.
Public propertySourceProjectID
Gets or sets the source project identifier. Is the Empty guid if the source isn't an LLBLGen Pro Project.
Public propertyStoredProcedureCalls
Gets or sets the stored procedure calls.
Public propertyTvfCalls
Gets or sets the tvf calls.
Public propertyTypedLists
Gets or sets the typed lists.
Public propertyTypedViews
Gets or sets the typed views.
Public propertyTypeShortcuts
Gets or sets the custom type shortcuts to import because they're used by one or more elements to import. It's ok if the type shortcuts already exist in the project to import the data into.
Public propertyValueTypes
Gets or sets the value types.
See Also