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EntityDefinition Methods

The EntityDefinition type exposes the following members.

Protected method_member_ValueChangedTValue
Handles the ValueChanged event of a member variable which is a commandifiedmember.
(Inherited from GroupableModelElement.)
Protected methodBindEventHandlers
Binds the event handlers.
(Overrides GroupableModelElementBindEventHandlers.)
Public methodCheckIfFieldsCanBeBouncedToLocalFields
Checks if the fields can be bounced to local fields. This is true if the fields have a valuetype as type.
(Inherited from EntityBaseElement.)
Public methodCheckIfFieldsCanBeConvertedToValueType
Checks if the fields specified can be converted to a value type, which is then used in a new field to replace the specified field(s).
(Inherited from EntityBaseElement.)
Public methodCheckIfFieldsCanBeMovedToSuperSubType
Checks if the fields specified can be moved to a super or subtype
(Overrides GroupableModelElementCheckIfFieldsCanBeMovedToSuperSubType(ListFieldElement).)
Public methodClearErrors
Clears the errors set in this object.
(Inherited from GroupableModelElement.)
Public methodCreateAndAddFkFieldFromPkField
Creates and adds a new fk field based on the pk field specified
Protected methodCreateFieldElement
Creates a new field element.
(Inherited from GroupableModelElement.)
Public methodCreateSourceLocationDataObject
Creates the source location data object.
(Overrides GroupableModelElementCreateSourceLocationDataObject.)
Protected methodCreateValidators
Creates the field name validator for the fields
(Overrides EntityBaseElementCreateValidators(Project).)
Protected methodDeserializeAdditionalAttributes
Deserializes the additional attributes from the root element
(Overrides GroupableModelElementDeserializeAdditionalAttributes(XmlReader, Project).)
Protected methodDeserializeAdditionalData
Deserializes additional data from the reader specified. Usable for derived classes which have additional information to deserialize
(Overrides EntityBaseElementDeserializeAdditionalData(XmlReader, Project).)
Public methodDeserializeFromReader
Deserializes the data for this class from the xml reader passed in
(Overrides GroupableModelElementDeserializeFromReader(XmlReader, Project).)
Protected methodDetermineIfElementShouldHaveFieldOrdering
Method which determines whether this element should have field ordering (true) or not (false). It returns the value for the UseCustomFieldOrderingOnNewElements project setting, if obtainable, otherwise false.
(Overrides GroupableModelElementDetermineIfElementShouldHaveFieldOrdering.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetAdditionalInterfaces
Gets the additional interfaces, if applicable, for this element, where the default interfaces are prefiltered with the ignored interfaces defined in this element. All interface macros are replaced with real names.
(Inherited from GroupableModelElement.)
Protected methodGetAdditionalMappableFields
Gets the additional mappable fields to return in the call to GetAllMappableFields.
(Overrides GroupableModelElementGetAdditionalMappableFields(Boolean).)
Protected methodGetAdditionalNamesInUseByOwnedElements
Gets the additional names (in their current form) in use by owned elements.
(Overrides GroupableModelElementGetAdditionalNamesInUseByOwnedElements.)
Public methodGetAdditionalNamespaces
Gets the additional namespaces, if applicable, for this element, where the default namespaces are prefiltered with the ignored namespaces defined in this element. All namespace macros are replaced with real names.
(Inherited from GroupableModelElement.)
Protected methodGetAllContainingUniqueConstraints
Gets all the containing unique constraints the passed in field is in.
(Inherited from EntityBaseElement.)
Public methodGetAllDirectSubTypes
Gets all direct sub types of this entity. If this entity isn't in an inheritance hierarchy, an empty enumerable is returned.
Public methodGetAllFieldsForVisualization
Gets all fields for visualization. This is a helper routine to get all the fields in this entity (not inherited fields) in the order: PK fields, normal fields sorted by name ascending, where normal fields is entity fields + fk fields, if there is no field ordering or all fields sorted based on field ordering, if there is a field ordering specified.
Public methodGetAllFieldsInElement(Boolean)
Gets all fields (normal fields, identifying fields, foreign key fields) in this element, ordered on field index and then name, ascending.
(Inherited from GroupableModelElement.)
Public methodGetAllFieldsInElement(Boolean, Boolean)
Gets all fields (normal fields, identifying fields, foreign key fields) in this element, ordered on fieldindex and then name, ascending.
(Overrides GroupableModelElementGetAllFieldsInElement(Boolean, Boolean).)
Protected methodGetAllFieldsSuitableForUCs
Gets all fields suitable for unique constraints
(Overrides EntityBaseElementGetAllFieldsSuitableForUCs.)
Public methodGetAllMappableFields
Gets all mappable fields (also the ones nested inside valuetypes in fields)
(Inherited from GroupableModelElement.)
Public methodGetAllMappableFields(Boolean)
Gets all mappable fields (also the ones nested inside valuetypes in fields)
(Inherited from GroupableModelElement.)
Public methodGetAllNamesInUseByOwnedElements
Gets all names (in their current casing) in use by owned elements like fields, navigators, fields mapped onto related fields etc.
(Inherited from GroupableModelElement.)
Public methodGetAllNavigators
Gets all navigators of this entity.
Public methodGetAllRelationshipsContainingFkField(IFieldElementCore)
Gets all relationships containing the field as an fk field.
Public methodGetAllRelationshipsContainingFkField(IFieldElementCore, Boolean)
Gets all relationships containing the field as an fk field.
Public methodGetAllSubTypes
Gets all sub types (direct or indirect) of this entity. If this entity isn't in an inheritance hierarchy, an empty enumerable is returned.
Public methodGetAttributes
Gets the attributes, if applicable, for this element, where the default attributes are prefiltered with the ignored attributes defined in this element. All name macros and $length/$precision/$scale macros are replaced with real values. (if applicable)
(Inherited from GroupableModelElement.)
Public methodGetElementNameForErrorReporting
Gets the element name for error reporting.
(Overrides GroupableModelElementGetElementNameForErrorReporting.)
Protected methodGetElementNameForXml
Gets the element name for XML. This name is used to produce the element containing the data of this entitybaseelement.
(Overrides EntityBaseElementGetElementNameForXml.)
Protected methodGetFieldNameStripPattern
Gets the field name strip pattern.
(Overrides GroupableModelElementGetFieldNameStripPattern(ProjectProperties).)
Public methodGetFkNavigatorForFirstRelationshipContainingFkField
Gets the FK navigator mapped on the first relationship containing the specified FK field as an fk field. If the field isn't an FK field an empty string is returned. Does check inherited relationships as well.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodGetInheritedMappableFields
Gets the inherited mappable fields to return in the call to GetAllMappableFields
(Overrides GroupableModelElementGetInheritedMappableFields.)
Public methodGetPotentialDiscriminatorFields
Gets the discriminator field candidates from the list of fields in this entity
Public methodGetRealStringSettingValueWithMacrosResolved
Gets the real setting value of the setting with the name specified as string. Also resolves any macros defined in the value (if any) to real values.
(Inherited from GroupableModelElement.)
Public methodGetSuperType
Gets the super-type of this entity, if it's in an inheritance hierarhcy, null otherwise
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodHandleFieldIndexesUpdated
Handles the field indexes updated.
(Overrides GroupableModelElementHandleFieldIndexesUpdated.)
Protected methodHandleFieldInFieldsChanged
Handles the field in fields changed.
(Overrides GroupableModelElementHandleFieldInFieldsChanged(ElementInListChangedEventArgsFieldElementChangeType, FieldElement).)
Protected methodHandleFieldRemoved
Handles the field removed.
(Overrides GroupableModelElementHandleFieldRemoved(CollectionElementRemovedEventArgsFieldElement).)
Protected methodHandleFieldsListChanged
Handles the fields list changed event. Checks unique constraint.
(Overrides GroupableModelElementHandleFieldsListChanged(ListChangedEventArgs).)
Protected methodHandleUnhandledMarkElementAsChanged
Handles the unhandled mark element as changed.
(Overrides GroupableModelElementHandleUnhandledMarkElementAsChanged(GroupableModelElementChangeType).)
Protected methodMarkElementAsChanged
Marks the element as changed.
(Inherited from GroupableModelElement.)
Protected methodMarkElementAsRemoved
Marks the element as removed, by raising the ElementRemoved event.
(Inherited from GroupableModelElement.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodOnGroupableModelElementChanged
Raises the EntityElementChanged event.
(Overrides GroupableModelElementOnGroupableModelElementChanged(GroupableModelElementChangeType).)
Protected methodOnPropertyChanged
Called when a property got changed.
(Inherited from GroupableModelElement.)
Protected methodPerformFixDuplicateNamesAfterRefresh
Performs the fix duplicate names after refresh.
(Overrides GroupableModelElementPerformFixDuplicateNamesAfterRefresh(LogNode).)
Public methodPopulateAndMap
Populates the element with new fields based on the fields to map specified and creates mappings for them in the passed in mapping.
(Inherited from GroupableModelElement.)
Protected methodPropagateValidatorsToLoadedObjects
Propagates the validators to loaded objects. This routine is called after the validators are created after the object and its containing objects have been loaded successfully.
(Overrides EntityBaseElementPropagateValidatorsToLoadedObjects.)
Public methodRemoveFieldElement
Removes the field element passed in from the list it is located in
(Inherited from GroupableModelElement.)
Protected methodRemoveFieldElementFromAdditionalContainers
Removes the field element from additional containers.
(Inherited from GroupableModelElement.)
Protected methodSerializeAdditionalAttributes
Serializes the additional attributes into the root element
(Overrides GroupableModelElementSerializeAdditionalAttributes(ISerializer).)
Protected methodSerializeAdditionalData
Serializes additional content to the writer specified. Usable for derived classes which have additional information to serialize
(Overrides EntityBaseElementSerializeAdditionalData(ISerializer).)
Public methodSerializeToWriter
Serializes the data in this class to the serializer passed in
(Inherited from GroupableModelElement.)
Public methodSetDiscriminatorField
Sets the discriminator field.
Public methodSetIdentifyingFields
Sets the identifying fields of this entity definition to the list of fields specified
Public methodSetNewFieldOrder
Sets the new field order to the order specified in fieldsInCorrectFieldOrder.
(Inherited from GroupableModelElement.)
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from GroupableModelElement.)
Protected methodUnbindEventHandlers
Unbinds the event handlers.
(Overrides GroupableModelElementUnbindEventHandlers.)
Protected methodUpdateOutputSettingValuesContainersWithDefaults
Updates the output setting values containers with defaults.
(Overrides GroupableModelElementUpdateOutputSettingValuesContainersWithDefaults(OutputSettingValuesContainer).)
Protected methodValidate
Validates this instance. Reports errors along the way using the message system.
(Overrides EntityBaseElementValidate(Project, Boolean).)
Explicit Interface Implementations
See Also