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NonDirectedGraphTVertex, TEdge Properties

The NonDirectedGraphTVertex, TEdge generic type exposes the following members.

Public propertyEdgeCount
Returns the number of edges in this graph. If this graph is a directed graph, it counts the edge A to B as an edge, but B to A, if not present, isn't counted. A non-directed graph has an edge between A and B but also between B and A. This is counted as 1 edge, not two.
(Inherited from GraphBaseTVertex, TEdge.)
Public propertyEdgeProducerFunc
Gets or sets the edge producer func which produces edges for this graph. Used in some algorithms which have to produce edges.
(Inherited from GraphBaseTVertex, TEdge.)
Public propertyEdges
Returns the edges in this graph. Enumerating this property will enumerate the inner structures of the graph, no copy is made. This requires a lock on SyncRoot if IsSynchronized is set to true to make sure enumeration of this property is thread safe.
(Inherited from GraphBaseTVertex, TEdge.)
Public propertyIsDirected
if true, the graph is directed and only EdgeBase instances which have IsDirected set to true are allowed, otherwise it's a non-directed graph and EdgeBase instances which have IsDirected set to false are accepted.
(Inherited from GraphBaseTVertex, TEdge.)
Public propertyIsSynchronized
Gets a value indicating whether access to the Vertices and Edges is synchronized (thread safe). Default: false. Set to true to in the ctor to make sure the operations on this object are using locks. Use SyncRoot to lock on the same object as this class' internal operations.
(Inherited from GraphBaseTVertex, TEdge.)
Public propertyRemoveOrphanedVerticesOnEdgeRemoval
Gets or sets a value indicating whether vertices which are not part of any edge anymore are removed from the graph when the edge they're part of is removed from the graph (so they effectively are orphaned). Default is false.
(Inherited from GraphBaseTVertex, TEdge.)
Protected propertySuppressEvents
Gets or sets a value indicating whether events are blocked from being raised (true) or not (false, default)
(Inherited from GraphBaseTVertex, TEdge.)
Public propertySyncRoot
Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the Vertices and Edges properties. It's the same object used in locks inside this object.
(Inherited from GraphBaseTVertex, TEdge.)
Public propertyVertexCount
Returns the number of vertices in this graph.
(Inherited from GraphBaseTVertex, TEdge.)
Public propertyVertices
Returns the vertices in this graph. Enumerating this property will enumerate the inner structures of the graph, no copy is made. This requires a lock on SyncRoot if IsSynchronized is set to true to make sure enumeration of this property is thread safe.
(Inherited from GraphBaseTVertex, TEdge.)
See Also