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UserConfiguration Properties

The UserConfiguration type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAdditionalPluginsFolder
Gets / sets AdditionalPluginsFolder.
Public propertyAdditionalTasksFolder
Public propertyAdditionalTemplatesFolder
Public propertyAddNewElementsAfterRelationalModelDataSync
Public propertyAddNewFieldsAfterRelationalModelDataSync
Public propertyAddNewViewsAsEntitiesAfterRelationalModelDataSync
Public propertyAlwaysLoadLptSourceCode
Public propertyAutoAddManyToManyRelationships
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [auto add many to many relationships].
Public propertyAutoAssignSequencesToIntegerPks
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [auto assign sequences to integer PKS].
Public propertyAutoAssignTypeConverterToFieldMapping
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [auto assign type converter to new field].
Public propertyAutomaticallyGenerateSourceCodeOnProjectSave
Public propertyConfirmDesignerClose
Public propertyCreateBackupBeforeImport
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [create backup before import].
Public propertyCreateBackupBeforeRelationalModelDataSync
Public propertyCreateBackupBeforeRunningPlugin
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [create backup before running plugin].
Public propertyDefaultBackupFolder
Gets / sets DefaultBackupFolder
Public propertyDefaultRelationshipDeleteRuleAction
Gets or sets the default relationship delete rule action.
Public propertyDefaultRelationshipUpdateRuleAction
Gets or sets the default relationship update rule action.
Public propertyDeleteObsoleteFiles
Gets / sets the DeleteObsoleteFiles setting
Public propertyDerivedElementClassNameSuffix
Public propertyDriverCommandTimeout
Public propertyEncodingToUse
Gets / sets encodingToUse
Public propertyEntityActionCombinationDefaultForTable
Gets or sets the entity action combination default for table.
Public propertyEntityActionCombinationDefaultForView
Gets or sets the entity action combination default for view.
Public propertyEntityFieldNameStripPattern
Gets / sets entityFieldNameStripPattern
Public propertyEntityNameStripPattern
Gets / sets entityNameStripPattern
Public propertyExcludableOrphanedElementDetectedAction
Gets or sets the excludable orphaned element detected action.
Public propertyExpandGroupNodesOnProjectLoad
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [expand group nodes on project load].
Public propertyFailCodeGenerationOnWriteError
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [fail code generation on write error].
Public propertyFieldMappedOntoRelatedFieldPattern
Gets / sets FieldMappedOnOneManyToOnePattern
Public propertyFkFieldsAreNamedAfterTargetField
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [fk fields are named after target field].
Public propertyForeignKeyConstraintPattern
Gets or sets the foreign key constraint pattern.
Public propertyForeignKeyFieldPattern
Gets or sets the foreign key field pattern.
Public propertyGroupUsage
Gets or sets the group usage.
Public propertyHideForeignKeyFieldsInEditor
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [mark foreign key fields as hidden].
Public propertyIdentifyingFieldsFollowDBPrimaryKeyConstraints
Public propertyInsertUnderscoreAtWordBreakCaseInsensitiveDBs
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [insert underscore at word break case insensitive D bs].
Public propertyInsertUnderscoreAtWordBreakCaseSensitiveDBs
Gets or sets the meta data element name casing setting
Public propertyKeepHomeTabOpenAfterProjectLoad
Public propertyLengthPrecisionScaleFollowDBLengthPrecisionScale
Public propertyMakeElementNamePascalCasing
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [make element name pascal casing].
Public propertyNavigatorMappedOntoManyToManyPattern
Gets / sets FieldMappedOnManyToManyPattern
Public propertyNavigatorMappedOntoOneManyToOnePattern
Gets / sets FieldMappedOnOneManyToOnePattern
Public propertyNavigatorMappedOntoOneToManyPattern
Gets / sets FieldMappedOnOneToManyPattern
Public propertyNonExcludableOrphanedElementDetectedAction
Gets or sets the excludable orphaned element detected action.
Public propertyOpenNewlyCreatedProjectElementInEditor
Public propertyPreferDecimalOverCurrencyTypes
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [prefer natural character types].
Public propertyPreferNaturalCharacterTypes
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [prefer natural character types].
Public propertyPreferredProjectFolder
Gets / sets preferedProjectFolder
Public propertyPreferSystemSequencesOverSchemaSequencesIfApplicable
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [prefer system sequences over schema sequences difference applicable].
Public propertyPreferVariableLengthTypes
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [prefer variable length types].
Public propertyPrefixDenormalizedFieldsWithNavigatorName
Public propertyPrimaryKeyConstraintPattern
Gets or sets the primary key constraint pattern.
Public propertyProjectExplorerOpenElementOnDoubleClick
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [project explorer open element on double click].
Public propertyReflectNullabilityOfElementFieldInTargetField
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [reflect nullability of element field intarget field].
Public propertyReflectTypeOfElementFieldInTargetField
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [reflect type of element field in target field].
Public propertyRelationalModelDataElementNameCasingCaseInsensitiveDBs
Gets or sets the relational model data element name casing case insensitive D bs.
Public propertyRelationalModelDataElementNameCasingCaseSensitiveDBs
Gets or sets the meta data element name casing setting
Public propertyRelationshipsFollowDBForeignKeyConstraints
Public propertyRemoveUnderscoresFromElementName
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [remove underscores from element name].
Public propertyRemoveUnmappedElementsAfterRelationalModelDataSync
Public propertyResetFieldOrderBasedOnTargetOrderAtRelationalModelDataSync
Public propertyRetrieveDBCustomProperties
Gets / sets retrieveDBCustomProperties
Public propertySearchQueryDefaultLanguage
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [search query default language].
Public propertySequenceNameMatchingPattern
Gets or sets the sequence name matching pattern.
Public propertySequencePattern
Gets or sets the foreign key field pattern.
Public propertySetGroupNameAfterSchemaName
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [set group name after schema name].
Public propertySetSchemaNameAfterGroupName
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [set schema name after group name].
Public propertyShowHomeTabOnStartup
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [expand group nodes on project load].
Public propertyShowReportAfterCodeGeneration
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [show task performer report].
Public propertyShowReportAfterRelationalModelDataSync
Public propertySingularizeElementNames
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [singularize element names].
Public propertyStoredProcNameStripPattern
Gets / sets storedProcNameStripPattern
Public propertyStoreTimeLastGeneratedIntoProject
Gets / sets storeTimeLastGeneratedIntoProject
Public propertyStoreTimeLastSyncIntoProject
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the time of the last sync should be stored. Project default
Public propertySyncCustomFieldOrderingWithTableFieldIndex
Public propertySyncMappedElementNamesAfterRelationalModelDataSync
Public propertySyncRelationalModelDataElementNameWithModelElementName
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [sync meta data element name after rename].
Public propertySyncRenamedMappedElementNamesAfterRelationalModelDataSync
Public propertyTableValuedFunctionNameStripPattern
Gets or sets the table valued function name strip pattern.
Public propertyTargetPerEntityEdgesRequireBackingFkConstraint
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [target per entity edges require backing fk constraint].
Public propertyTextEditorFont
Gets or sets the text editor font.
Public propertyTypedViewFieldNameStripPattern
Gets / sets typedViewFieldNameStripPattern
Public propertyTypedViewMappedOnResultsetPattern
Gets or sets the typed view mapped on resultset pattern.
Public propertyTypedViewNameStripPattern
Gets / sets typedViewNameStripPattern
Public propertyUniqueConstraintPattern
Gets or sets the unique constraint pattern.
Public propertyUniqueConstraintsFollowDBUniqueConstraints
Public propertyUpdateCustomPropertiesAfterRelationalModelDataSync
Public propertyUseCurrentCultureForNameSorting
Public propertyUseCustomFieldOrderingOnNewElements
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [use custom field ordering on new elements].
Public propertyVerboseApplicationOutput
Gets / sets verboseApplicationOutput
Public propertyVsNetXsdFolder
Gets or sets the vs net XSD folder.
Public propertyWordWrap
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [word wrap].
See Also