
LLBLGen Pro is a system that helps you build solid n-tier applications fast and easy. To be able to do that, you should familiarize yourself with some concepts forming the foundation of the system, and the source code produced by the system. In the LLBLGen Pro system you first define definitions for Entities, Typed Lists, Typed Views and, if you want to include existing stored procedures, Stored Procedure calls. When you're done designing, you will use these definitions to produce code. It is thus fundamental that you understand what these definitions stand for and how they are used in the process.

This section, the concepts section, guides you through a set of concepts and their meanings. This way you will understand why certain things in the LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework are designed the way they are and how you can utilize the full power of them.

It's recommended that you also read the Concepts section of the LLBLGen Pro designer documentation.

The concepts described in this manual

  • Templates and Template Groups. The code generation engine of LLBLGen Pro uses templates to generate the code for you. These templates are semantically grouped in Template Groups which consist of a variety of templates for all the classes that will form the framework that will be the result of a code generation action. This section explains how they work and what their place is in the system.
  • Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control. This section discusses the Inversion of Control (IoC) design of the LLBLGen Pro framework and briefly introduces the Dependency Injection mechanism build into LLBLGen Pro.
  • Action Combinations. This section discusses the LLBLGen Pro specific implementation of the Action Combinations feature of the LLBLGen Pro designer.

Additional reading

The following external  links are useful for understanding and working with the generating code.

  • The CAP Theorem (on Wikipedia).
  • The Concepts section in the LLBLGen Pro Designer documentation.