Framework XML file format

A target framework definition file is a file with the extension .framework. To edit such a file, drag it onto the LLBLGen Pro designer from windows explorer. The .framework file is an XML file with the following format.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<framework xmlns="http://sd/llblgen/pro/frameworkDefinition.xsd" name="" dataFolder=""
    supportsImplicitEnumToNumericConversion="" supportsImplicitEnumToStringConversion=""
        <driver id=""/>
        <!-- more -->
        <platform name=""/>
        <!-- more -->
        <templateGroup name=""/>
        <!-- more -->
        <attribute targetElement="" value=""/>
        <!-- more -->
        <interface targetElement="" value=""/>
        <!-- more -->
        <namespace targetElement="" value=""/>
        <!-- more -->
    <validationAssembly filename="" path=""/>

The framework element has the following attributes:

  •  name, which is the name of the framework as it's known to the designer.
  • dataFolder, which is the name of the folder within Frameworks, which is the location of the framework's specific data, like tasks, templates and dlls.
  • supportsImplicitEnumToNumericConversion, Boolean. True: an implicit conversion from enum to byte/short/int/long/sbyte/ushort/uint/ulong is supported without a type converter. False: no implicit conversion support, a type converter is needed. Default is 'True', so defining this is only needed if the framework doesn't support the feature
  • supportsImplicitEnumToStringConversion, Boolean. True: an implicit conversion from enum to string is supported without a type converter. False: no implicit conversion support, a type converter is needed. Default is 'True', so defining this is only needed if the framework doesn't support the feature.
  • supportsImplicitNumericConversions, Boolean. True: implicit conversions between numeric types are supported without a type converter being present on the mapping. False: no implicit conversions between numeric types are supported, they all need a type converter. Default is 'false'.

The following sub-elements are recognized:

  • supportedDrivers. This element is similar to the supportingDrivers element of a platform definition file. If no driver is specified, all drivers are considered supported.
  • supportedPlatforms. This element is similar to the supportedPlatforms element of a tasks definition file. If no platform is specified, all platforms are considered supported.
  • validationAssembly. This is the assembly which will perform additional validation of the project which is specific for the framework. filename is the name of the assembly file, path is either a relative path within dataFolder or an absolute path for the assembly.
  • supportedTemplateGroups. This element is similar to the supportedTemplateGroups element of a tasks definition file. Template groups are defined centrally, in the shared template groups folder or in the additional templates folders and can be used for filtering of available templates.
  • attributeDefaults. This section contains attribute defaults for various target elements. targetElement is the same as with setting definitions. Optional.
  • interfaceDefaults. This section contains additional interface defaults for various target elements. targetElement is the same as with setting definitions. Optional.
  • namespaceDefaults. This section contains additional namespace defaults for various target elements. targetElement is the same as with setting definitions. Optional.