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EntityCollectionBaseTEntity Properties

The EntityCollectionBaseTEntity generic type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActiveContext
Gets / sets the active context this entity collection is in. Setting this property is not adding the entity collection to the context, it will make contained entities be added to the passed in context. If the entity collection is already in a context, setting this property has no effect. Setting this property is done by framework code, use the Context's Add/Get methods to work with contexts and entity collections.
(Inherited from CollectionCoreT.)
Public propertyAllowEdit
Default: true. If set to false, entities inside this collection won't be editable in a complex databinding scenario.
(Inherited from CollectionCoreT.)
Public propertyAllowNew
Default: true. If set to false, no new entities will be added through databinding.
(Inherited from CollectionCoreT.)
Public propertyAllowRemove
Default: false. If set to true, entities can be removed through databinding.
(Inherited from CollectionCoreT.)
Public propertyCapacity
Gets / sets the initial capacity of the entity collection.
(Inherited from CollectionCoreT.)
Public propertyConcurrencyPredicateFactoryToUse
Gets / sets the IConcurrencyPredicateFactory instance to use when creating entity objects during a GetMulti() call or when AddNew is called.
(Inherited from CollectionCoreT.)
Protected propertyContainingEntity
Gets the entity which contains this collection (e.g. Customer, if this collection is the Customer's Orders collection), or null if this collection isn't part of any entity.
Protected propertyContainingEntityMappedField
Gets the name of the field mapped onto the relation in the opposite entity which is represented by this collection, if this collection is contained by an entity. E.g. it will return "Customer" if the relation Customer - Order has the field 'Customer' mapped onto it in Order and this collection is the Orders collection in Customer. If this collection isn't contained in any entity, an empty string is returned.
(Inherited from CollectionCoreT.)
Public propertyContainsDirtyContents
Returns true if this collection contains dirty objects. If this collection contains dirty objects, an already filled collection should not be refreshed until a save is performed. This property is calculated in real time and can be time consuming when the collection contains a lot of objects. Use this property only in cases when the value of this property is used to do a refetch or not.
Public propertyContainsListCollection
Gets a value indicating whether the collection is a collection of IList objects.
Public propertyCount (Inherited from CollectionCoreT.)
Public propertyDefaultView
Gets the default view for this entitycollection. The returned value is the same instance every time this property is read. It's an entity view without a filter or a sorter.
Protected propertyDeserializationInProgress
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [deserialization in progress].
(Inherited from CollectionCoreT.)
Public propertyDirtyEntities
Returns a readonly collection of entities which are flagged as dirty. This collection is determined on the fly, you can use this collection to remove dirty entities from this entity collection.
(Inherited from CollectionCoreT.)
Public propertyDoNotPerformAddIfPresent
When set to true, an entity passed to Add() or Insert() will be tested if it's already present. If so, the index is returned and the object is not added again. If set to false (default) this check is not performed. Setting this property to true can slow down fetch logic.
(Inherited from CollectionCoreT.)
Public propertyEntityFactoryToUse
The EntityFactory to use when creating entity objects during a GetMulti() call or other logic which requires the creation of new entities.
Protected propertyEntityFactoryToUseInternal
Gets or sets the entity factory to use
(Overrides CollectionCoreTEntityFactoryToUseInternal.)
Public propertyEntityValidatorToUse Obsolete.
Obsolete. Collections don't store validator objects anymore. Present to make sure users can continue designing their forms in
(Inherited from CollectionCoreT.)
Public propertyIsReadOnly (Inherited from CollectionCoreT.)
Public propertyItem
Gets or sets the object at the specified index.
(Inherited from CollectionCoreT.)
Public propertyItems
Items contained by this collection. Returns simply this instance.
(Inherited from CollectionCoreT.)
Public propertyMaxNumberOfItemsToReturn
The maximum number of items to return with this retrieval query. If the used Dynamic Query Engine supports it, 'TOP' is used to limit the amount of rows to return. When set to 0, no limitations are specified.
Public propertyParticipatesInTransaction
Flag to check if the ITransactionalElement implementing object is participating in a transaction or not.
Public propertyRemovedEntitiesTracker
Gets or sets the entity collection which should be used as removed entities tracker. If this property is set to an IEntityCollection instance, all entities which are removed from this collection are marked for deletion and placed in this removed entities tracker collection. This collection can then later on be used to delete these entities from the database in one go.
Protected propertyRemovedEntitiesTrackerInternal
Gets or sets the removal tracker internal.
(Overrides CollectionCoreTRemovedEntitiesTrackerInternal.)
Public propertySite
Gets or sets the ISite associated with the IComponent.
(Inherited from CollectionCoreT.)
Public propertySortClauses
The order by specifications for the sorting of the resultset when fetching it from the persistent storage. When not specified, no sorting is applied.
Public propertySuppressClearInGetMulti
Surpresses the removal of all contents of the collection in a GetMulti*() call. Used by code in related entities to prevent the removal of objects when collection properties are accessed.
Protected propertySuppressListChangedEventsInternal
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [surpress list changed events].
(Inherited from CollectionCoreT.)
Public propertyTransaction
The ITransaction this ITransactionalElement implementing object is participating in. Only valid if ParticipatesInTransaction is true. If set to null, the ITransactionalElement is no longer participating in a transaction.
Public propertyValidatorToUse Obsolete.
Obsolete. Collections don't store validator objects anymore. Present to make sure users can continue designing their forms in
(Inherited from CollectionCoreT.)
Explicit Interface Implementations
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyICollectionCount (Inherited from CollectionCoreT.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIListIsFixedSize
Gets a value indicating whether the IList has a fixed size.
(Inherited from CollectionCoreT.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIListIsReadOnly (Inherited from CollectionCoreT.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyICollectionIsSynchronized
Gets a value indicating whether access to the ICollection is synchronized (thread safe).
(Inherited from CollectionCoreT.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIListItem
Gets or sets the Object at the specified index.
(Inherited from CollectionCoreT.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyICollectionSyncRoot
Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the ICollection.
(Inherited from CollectionCoreT.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIEntityCollectionCapacity
Gets / sets the initial capacity of the entity collection.
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIEntityCollectionDefaultView
Gets the default view for this entitycollection. The returned value is a new instance every time this property is read. It's a new entity view without a filter or a sorter.
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIEntityCollectionDirtyEntities
Returns a readonly collection of entities which are flagged as dirty. This collection is determined on the fly, you can use this collection to remove dirty entities from this entity collection.
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIEntityCollectionItem
Gets or sets the IEntity at the specified index.
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIEntityCollectionCoreContainingEntityMappedField
Gets the name of the field mapped onto the relation in the opposite entity which is represented by this collection, if this collection is contained by an entity. E.g. it will return "Customer" if the relation Customer - Order has the field 'Customer' mapped onto it in Order and this collection is the Orders collection in Customer. If this collection isn't contained in any entity, an empty string is returned.
(Inherited from CollectionCoreT.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIEntityCollectionCoreEntityFactoryToUse
The EntityFactory to use when creating entity objects during fetch action or other logic which requires the creation of new entities.
(Inherited from CollectionCoreT.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIEntityCollectionCoreIsForMN
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is for a M:N relationship. If set to true, it will also set IsReadOnly to true.
(Inherited from CollectionCoreT.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIEntityCollectionCoreIsRemovalTracker
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is a removal tracker collection.
(Inherited from CollectionCoreT.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIEntityCollectionCoreItem
Simple indexer.
(Inherited from CollectionCoreT.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIEntityCollectionCoreRemovedEntitiesTracker
Gets or sets the removal tracker for this entity collection
(Inherited from CollectionCoreT.)
See Also