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IInheritanceInfoProviderGetHierarchyRelations Method

Overload List
Public methodGetHierarchyRelations(ListString, String)
This method returns all relations from the lowest entity found in the passed in entityNames to the root and from the lowest entityName downwards to all the reachable leafs from entityName. All relations to the root are INNER JOIN, all relations from the lowest entityName to leafs are LEFT JOIN
Public methodGetHierarchyRelations(String, String)
This method returns all relations from the entityName to the root and from the entityName downwards to all the reachable leafs from entityName. All relations to the root are INNER JOIN, all relations from entityName to leafs are LEFT JOIN
Public methodGetHierarchyRelations(String, String, Boolean)
This method returns all relations from the entityName to the root and from the entityName downwards to all the reachable leafs from entityName, if includePathsToReachableLeafs is set to true. All relations to the root are INNER JOIN, all relations from entityName to leafs are LEFT JOIN
See Also