Supported Constructs
The following LLBLGen Pro Designer constructs are supported for Entity Framework v4. Using an element not on this list will result in a validation error of the project.
- All supported constructs on Entity Framework v1
- PK Fields which have as type
- Foreign key fields are generated into the output (optional)
- Typed Views mapped onto stored procedure resultsets
- One-to-one relationships between an FK/UC side and a PK side. The support for this is a workaround, as EF doesn't recognize the presence of a unique constraint. This has the consequence that the foreign key field(s) are not present in the fk side entity, unless they're a PK field. This is similar to the situation where no FK fields are emitted in the output, like in Entity Framework v1. This lead to the restriction: If there are 1:1 PK-FK/UC relationships present, FK fields can't be emitted into the output. The validator will validate for this and will raise an error if the user has specified 'true' for this setting at the project level if such a relationship is present.
The supported databases are the same as for v1: (depending on the fact that the ADO.NET provider build supports EF v4)
- SQL Server 2000 and higher
- Sybase iAnywhere / ASA
- MySql (DevArt provider)
- PostgreSql
- DB2
- Firebird